Ch50: Arguement

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Rogue's pov

I walked down the stairs to find Gajeel munching away on a bowl of metal. I was about to walk behind the couch to the kitchen when Gajeel called out "Oi Raios"

I sighed, slumping my shoulders. "That..... That's not my name" I sighed, not even bothering at this point. He narrowed his eyes in thought before shrugging, munching on another piece of metal.

"Is there something you want?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Starlight wanted us to talk. Since your now my Brother-in-law, she wanted us to get along" he explained before munching on some metal from the bowl.

I sighed, grabbing a bowl of crisps on the table and ate from that. "Starlight told me that the two of you are sharing food now" he said.

"We're not sharing food. We're eating the same amount of the same foods" I corrected. "Good luck not putting on weight from it" she stated. I let out a loud breath through my nose in annoyance.

"Starlight isn't putting on weight. She is carrying a child. There is a difference" I growled. "I'm talking about you. You ain't carrying a child. Your eating for just yourself" he countered.

I proceeded to kick his knee. "What the fuck was that for?" he growled, looking at his knee. "You annoyed me" I replied plainly. "You boys better behave yourselves" Phoenix stated from behind the couch.

"When did you get here?" Gajeel asked. "I've been here since the two of you started talking and I don't think Starlight will be too happy about her brother and husband arguing with each other when they need to get along" Phoenix stated.

"Your going to tell her?" I asked. "She asked me to watch you. She will not be happy about what I'm going to tell her in the slightest" Phoenix sighed, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

I lowered my head. "Why would I be in trouble? I'm the older brother and Raios started it" Gajeel grumbled. "Nice try Gajeel but actually you started it" Phoenix stated.

"He kicked me" Gajeel protested. "Only because you insulted me" I growled. "I was stating that it'll be hard to maintain your physic if you ate everything Starlight will" he stated.

I was done listening to this. I stood up and punched Gajeel right in the face. Hard. I shook my hand after because it actually hurt quite bad. Gajeel really did have a hard head.

Gajeel was in a state of shock for a couple seconds. This was probably the first time that I wished I was taller than 5'9 or Gajeel was shorter than 6ft.

He punched me in the face as I backed up slightly. I pulled my hand back from my face, blood dripping on it from my nose. Before I could react, he grabbed a fist full of my shirt and lifted me up of the ground.

I struggled to get free but Phoenix soon intervened. "That's enough! Both of you!" she snapped. "What is going on down here?" Lily asked, looking more confused than ever.

"These two idiots were fighting" Phoenix countered. I'd heard enough, I went up the stairs and into the shared bedroom, slamming the door behind me to make sure no one came in.

I paced back and forth, angry about all of this, completly forgetting about my nosebleed. I flopped down on the bed and slammed my face in one of the pillows, trying to calm down.

The door opened. "Go away fuckwad" I growled, to angry to care that I swore. "Is that anyway to talk to your wife?" Starlight stated. I stayed put.

She closed the door and walked over. "And I thought I was the one who had issues" she sighed, sitting next to me and placing a hand on my back.

"Phoenix told me what happened" she added, tracing invisible lines on my back. "Why are you not mad?" I asked, moving my head to look at her.

"Oh I'm mad. At my Psychiatrist. He's a dick. I wanted to punch him in his face for the entire session" she explained, narrowing her eyes. "I meant at Gajeel" I corrected.

"Oh I'm mad at him too. I'm also mad at you" she stated, grabbing a fist full of my shirt. "What did I do wrong?" I asked, sitting up and facing her.

"You responded with violence" she stated. "What?! Gajeel is the one who's in the wrong here" I growled. "Yes Gajeel was wrong for saying those things and for hitting you back however you shouldn't have hit him in the first place" she explained.

I was about to protest but she stopped me by placing a finger over my mouth. "I asked for Gajeel to talk to you because he's my brother. I know that the two of you aren't the best of friends especially since he's still pretty mad that your the reason I had to change to Sabertooth-" "That was Jiemma's fault. He's the one who decided to do that" I cut in.

"I wasn't finished!" Starlight growled before taking a deep breath. "Like I was saying, he's my brother and I want the two people who I love the most in the world to get along. Especially if there is a child on the way" she explained.

I sighed. "Sorry. I guess I just didn't really expect any of this. I also didn't expect Gajeel to still be living with us now" I sighed. "First off, Gajeel is trying to find a house so he should be out of your hair soon. Second. Don't apologise to me, apologise to Gajeel" Starlight stated.

I was about to argue then decided against it. "Now go apologise" Starlight added, standing up and walking over to the door.

I grumbled under my breath but got up, walking out the door and down the stairs. Gajeel was talking with Phoenix and Lily.

Gajeel saw me and stood up. "Raios..... I'm sorry for insulting you....... And for punching you in the face" Gajeel apologised. "I'm sorry for kicking your leg and punching your face" I apologised.

"Good. Now both of you better get along" Phoenix stated. "Oh and Rogue" Starlight said. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Your sleeping on the couch tonight" she stated before walking into the kitchen.

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