Ch43: Before Date Planning

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Starlight's pov

I sat in the hotel room, looking through the clothes that I had. I didn't have anything fancy with me. The only fancy piece of clothing I had was back home. All the other clothes I brought were baggy tops and trousers which I would need a belt to hold them up.

I sighed and started fiddling with my sleeve. I was currently wearing a baggy purple top and black leggings. They didn't match but I was uncomfortable in my usual clothing since it was tighter on me now because of the baby so I changed.

The door to the hotel room opened as I looked up to see Rogue walk in, holding two clothing covers. "What's that?" I asked. He didn't answer straight away as he was closing the door but then turned to me, placing the two clothing covers on the bed, giving me a sheepish smile.

"Did you kill someone and need me to help you guide the body?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What! No. Also why did you changed clothes?" he asked. "I was uncomfortable" I replied.

"Alright. Anyway. I know your going to kill me for this because of the cost but I got us both some nice clothes for the date" he explained. "Bought or rented?" I asked.

"Bought. I tried to find a rental shop but there wasn't any here in town" he replied. "Receipt" I told him, holding out mmy hand. He handed mee the slip of paper.

I looked down at the price and almost chocked on my own saliva. "You spent over 2000 jewel on clothing. Rogue. That's expensive. We can't go spending money without thinking right now" I told him.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted our first date to be perfect" he replied. "We have to limit our spending. Especially in these 3 weeks while we aren't on jobs and even when we go back to the guild, I'm off active duty for more then a year. We need to put money aside for when you stay off active duty near the time of the baby's birth and we need to get stuff for the baby as well" I ranted, having stood up and begun to pace.

"Starlight. Calm down. Your getting worked up. Unlike someone I know, I put asidee some of the jewel I get on missions for other things. Since we don't have to pay for the house, we have a little more jewel to spare" he explained.

I groaned. "Can you just try what I got you on. I think you'll like it" he explained. I unzipped the cover of the one he had pushed towards me to see a black suit.

"You got me a suit?" I asked. "I know you don't like dresses since I only ever saw you wear one at our wedding and that one party a few months before the games so I got a suit. Thought it would be better at hiding the baby too since you were getting upset about that earlier" he explained.

I hugged him as he was taken by surprise but hugged back with one arm. "Your the best husband and mate ever" I told him. "I try my best" he laughed. "Well your best is perfect" I replied.

He blushed at that. "What time is the reservation?" I asked. "Like 3 hours. We have some time" he advised me. "Well if that's the case then I'm relaxing. I need to rest my back because its killing me" I told him, laying back on the bed.

"I could help with that" Rogue suggested, coming to sit on the bed with me. "Your arm's broken" I pointed out. "Doesn't mean I couldn't give you a one handed massage. It might not be as good but it's better then nothing" he explained. "Fine. You can do it if you want to" I replied.

"I'll need you to sit up" he told me. I did so as he placed one hand on my shoulder and started to massage. Before long, I heard my shoulder crack.

"Oh god. Are you okay?" Rogue asked in panic. "I'm fine. It didn't hurt. Besides, I've broken my arms, legs and a few other body parts several times already. It's natural for them to crack now and again" I replied.

"I'm very concerned about your health now" he told me. "I mean. I almost died a few days after I was born. That didn't translate well into how I grew up. I now take several different medications in my life now" I replied.

"You have more then just the vitamin pills?" Rogue asked. "I thought you went through my memories" I pointed out. "I forgot some stuff" he replied.

"Well yes. I also have antidepressants, some to help with my breathing when it gets bad, sleeping pills for when I have nightmares and lots of different pain medication because when you've been through the shit I've been through then you get a lot of pain coming back" I explained.

He pulled me into a hug with one arm, a frown on his face. "I wish I'd gotten to know you alomg time ago. I could have prevented some of the things that happened from happening" he explained.

"I don't. It may not seem like it but I wouldn't change anything that's happened to me. It's helped me to grow as a person even if I didn't enjoy" I explained. Rogue just leaned his head on my shoulder as I pat his back.

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