Ch28: The New 3rd Generation Dragon Slayer

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Starlight's pov

I woke up to the feeling of breathing on the side of my neck. I looked down and tried to pry Rogue's hands from my stomach. I have to admit, he has a strong grip but we Redfox's have a stronger grip. I finally got out of Rogue's grip and stretched with a yawn.

I must have woken Rogue up because he opened his eyes and yawned. "Oh sorry to wake you up" I apologised. He sat up and rubbed sleep out of his eyes. "It's fine" he yawned, looking at me. "Could I ask you something" he asked, looking at me. "Yeah. Sure what is it" I asked.

"Could you get a lacrima transplant" he asked. "A lacrima transplant?" I question, having not heard of this. "It's what I had to become a 3rd generation dragon slayer" Rogue told me. "So you want me to become a 3rd generation dragon slayer?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well yes. I don't want to lose you again" he told me, looking into my eyes. "Alright. I'll do it today" I agreed. Rogue smiled and hugged me. "So are you this emotional when I'm not around" I asked, looking at him. "No. Of course not. Your the only one that deserves my affection bar Frosch. He will always get affection but more like a father kind" he replied.

"If we had kids would you show them fatherly affection" I asked. "Of course I would. Why?" he replied, ending it with a question. "Well it's just that we're already engaged so we might want to think about starting a family in the future. It's part of our instincts to begin with" I explained to him.

"After we're married though. Right" he asked. "Yes. After we're married" I replied as Rogue pulled me into a hug. After the hug, I got up and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and changing into my old clothes. I put on my black shirt, red waistcoat with one missing arm, armour on the arm with no sleeve, the ripped jeans, a glove on my sleeved arm and my usual boots.

I walked out to see Rogue already dressed. He smiled and we headed out. "So you hiding the tattoo" Rogue asked, looking at my ankle. "Yeah. Gajeel would freak" I replied. "I would freak about what" I heard an all so familiar voice. 'Oh shit' I thought.

"Hey Gajeel. We were just talking about how you'd freak about......." I tried to think of an excuse but couldn't. "What would I freak about and don't lie about it" Gajeel asked, crossing his arms.

"Fine. A few years ago I got a tattoo on my ankle. I never told you because I figured you'd freak" I explained. Gajeel just stared at me. "Alright. I don't mind" he explained before walking off.

Rogue took me outside and we headed into town, going to the hospital. Rogue went up to the reception and talked to the receptionist before walking back to me. "We're to go into the back, the doctor wishes to talk to you" Rogue explained. I nodded and walked into the room of my doctor. She looked up and smiled.

"Ah Miss Redfox. Nice to see you again. I've been told you would like a lacrima transplant" she pointed out. I nodded. "Oh and who might this be?" she asked, looking at Rogue. "This is Rogue Cheney. My boyfriend" I replied. "He won't be aloud to see you during the operation, he knows that right" the doctor questioned. "Yes Rogue knows that" I replied. "Have you eaten anything recently?" she asked.

"Not since lunch yesterday" I replied. "Well follow me" she ordered and led me to another room. "It's an iron dragon slayer lacrima, correct" she asked, I nodded. "Alright, lie down on this bed" she explained as I did so. "Now I'm going to ask you to count to 10" she told me as I nodded.

I felt a prick in my arm and started to count down from 10 in my head.


I then was completely emersed in darkness.


I woke up to a light shining into my eyes. "Your awake" I heard someone purr. I sat up and turned to my side to see Rogue sitting next to the bed I was on. "What happened" I asked, sitting up.

"You had the lacrima implant but everything was successful and now your a 3rd generation dragon slayer" Rogue explained, a smile present on his face. "Mr Cheney. I'm afraid visiting hours are over" a doctor explained, walking over.

"Yeah sure. No problem" he replied, standing up and walking to the door. "See you tomorrow. Hope you sleep well" Rogue smiled before exiting the room.

"Miss Redfox. There is something I would like to talk to you about" the doctor told me. "What is it" I asked, looking at the doctor. "Well when you were having the operation, we discovered that you have something in your heart" she explained.

"What" I questioned, very confused by this. "It seems to have been caused by some sort of dark magic" she added. 'Dark magic? Wait Future Rogue' s shadow arrow. That must be it. It did hit me in the heart' I thought.

"We can have a heart transplant with someone if you wish. However it cannot be healed and will effect your health and could possibly kill you" the doctor explained.

"Alright. I'll take the transplant" I told her. She nodded and lay me down again pricking my arm as I counted down from 10 until I fell into the darkness.


Rogue's pov

I walked into Starlight's hospital room to see she was sitting up while eating a bowl of tomato soup. "Morning Starlight" I smiled, walking over to her. "Morning Rogue" she replied in a husky voice.

"What's wrong. Are you sick" I asked, very concerned. "I'll tell you just don't freak out" she told me with a sigh. I sat down and looked at her, waiting for her to speak. "I had to have a heart transplant because my heart was filled with some of the future you's shadow arrow" she explained.

"So what does that mean" I asked, concerned about what was going to happen to Starlight. "Nothing now that I've had the transplant. I'll live since I have a new heart but that doesn't chance my feelings for you. Your still my mate" she told me, embracing me in a hug. "I'm glad about that" I purred, hugging her back.

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