Ch11: Memories; Reflection's influence and the element 4

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Hey guys

So before I start this chapter I want you to know that I've done a 3 year time skip since its the boys do similar things each time but here is where it changes but I won't spoil.

Rogue' pov

I watched as Starlight wandered around looking for Gajeel who she had lost in the crowd's of people. She headed back to the fountain where they had agreed to meet up there if they ever got separated. Starlight reached the fountain and looked around before being pinned to the ground. "What are you looking for, huh monster" the ginger sneered as he kicked her into the fountain and then kicked her repeatedly. Starlight was on the verge of tears when a voice came from nowhere.

"HEY KID. WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LETTING THESE GUYS BEAT YOU UP LIKE THIS" it asked in a sinister voice. "No it couldn't be" I spoke in panic. Starlight didn't answer as the voice continued. "THEY SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR THIS, COME ON. I CAN GIVE YOU THE POWR TO DO THIS, JUST TRUST ME" the voice spoke again. It seemed that these words had gotten to Starlight as she started to build up anger and a turquoise aura came off of her. 

Her skin was replaced with dull coloured scales as her hands and feet became claws. Her legs became like the back legs of a dragon and her arms like the front legs of one. A tail formed with black fur on the tip in a spiky form. Sharp spines that looked sharper than knives grew from her back as they pierced through her shirt. Horns formed through her hair as a muzzle formed and her teeth sharped and multiplied. Finally her eyes became narrow slits and you could hardly see the black of her pupil.

I blinked once and instantly everything turned black and white. I looked around and noticed that the eyes of people weren't the same as everything else, they still had colour which confused me. Starlight stalked forward, baring her teeth and growling as everyone around started to panic. 

She then leapt at the brown haired male, sinking her teeth into his leg as he collapsed onto the ground. The blond, kicked her away but she just pounced at him, dragging her claws over his left eye as he screamed in pain, blood dripping from his wound. The ginger looked in shock at his friends before walking backwards but tripped on something and fell onto the ground. 

He was shaking in fear as Starlight grabbed his arm, completely tearing off the lower part of his arm below the elbow. Gajeel quickly ran to the scene as he ran over to Starlight, trying to calm her down but she just hit him out of the way with her tail. 

Suddenly a bunch of soldiers came as one held a gun pointed at her as she was looking at the ginger. "Don't hurt her" Gajeel yelled, trying to stop the soldier from using the gun but he just threw Gajeel back. "Outta the way kid, that thing is dangerous" He replied, pulling the trigger on the gun as the bullet was realized.

Starlight moved forward a little as she was stalking towards the boy but the bullet hit her right in her right knee. She let out a roar of pain before looking over at the guy who shot the bullet. He got ready to shot again as the bullet headed towards her as she dodged it and ran off into the forest heading for Metalicana's cave.

She arrived in the cave as she changed back to normal, panting with tears in her eyes. "This way. Check the cave" someone yelled as Starlight panicked. She looked up and managed to use her magic to hold herself to the cave roof as she tried to camouflage with the rock. 

The soldiers ran into the cave and looked around but were unable to find her. They walked out before Starlight fell from the roof just as Gajeel came into the cave. He embraced her in a hug and cried into her as the two hugged in the cave for awhile

Time skip(To a couple of weeks later, Starlight can now use her magic(Except the secret arts) but her knee isn't healed and is quite weak at the moment)

Gajeel walked around the empty town as it suddenly started to rain. "Ugh, I hate rain" Gajeel complained as the figures of four people could be seen through the rain. "I think these are the ones that Master Jose wants" The one with a mix of black and white hair spoke up as Gajeel tensed up and got in a fighting position. 

"Who are you" he growled watching them closely as the one with a monocle spoke up this time. "I am Monsieur Sol and we are here to retrieve you, Oui" Sol spoke, Gajeel growled and went to attack but the guy with the blindfold knocked him out in one blow. Starlight stared at this before the black and white haired guy grabbed onto her, putting his hand near her mouth which of course Starlight bit. 

"Oh, you just bit me" he hissed, shaking his hand while still holding Starlight. "Juvia asks what your doing" Juvia asked, holding an umbrella above her head. "Ok kid, your coming with us. Now you can either come willingly or the same way this guy is being taken" the guy holding Starlight spoke.

She suddenly stopped squirming although not before kicking the guy in the leg as he gritted his teeth and blood dripped from a wound in his leg. The blind folded guy then picked up Gajeel as they headed out of the town.

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