seconds and hours

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I was at my client's office. The initial few hours at my client's office passed well, my task involved greeting everyone: meeting them, introduce myself, explaining the theme I set for their displays and listening to their share of the introduction, was impressive . My other important task for the day was to report my weekly achievements to my boss Mr. Carl Watson whom I cultivated for. Which I successfully did by noon and made him proud as always

" Let's break for lunch " Drek (My client) suggested. " There is a cafe nearby where most of us proceed "

I really don't prefer to perish on a lunch date with my clients, but The guy was fairly pink in complexion with brown eyes, compelled me to give him a shot.

We had come to the German bakery, hardly two blocks away from his office. It was some kind of different place. The walls painted in chess board color and people sat on beds with wooden trays to eat sandwich and pancakes.

" So where are you from exactly " Drek asked, while adopting a seat across.

" Argentina " I answered, pressing the straw between my lips to drink a cocktail.

" and family "

" I left them behind, my mom married a Belgium guy whom I unlike the most in the world so I determined to move in here "

" And you set out a golden job, I am sure Carl would be happy with your work " He said.

" yeah, I guess" I turned over my eyes.

" Well, I have a great opportunity for you, and I will be glad if you accept it " He hit the bull eyes. A lunch with the client meant fish soup over a cupcake.

" And what was that " I slide the glass, rested my arms along the table and face him.

" I will pay you double, if you join us and help to gain all the clients you made for Catherine company " He rubbed his palms with each other and smiled like he will gonna win silver medal. But for his surprise, I laughed in his face, let the money out of my handbag and slammed over the table and said " I am not for sale "

I walked out till the parking lot. Underneath a row of tall lamp posts, there stood scores of cars. I perched my back against the bonnet of the first car in the series. And pulled out my cell phone from the pocket of my jeans and switched it on to make a call.

" hey wassup " Agnes answered my call.

" Are you up for leave " I inquired

" I am already in my way, where are you " She said.

I kept describing the whereabouts of the place, until a red celerio stopped right in front of me.

I hopped inside and look at Agnes "What"

" Why are you so serious " Agnes started the engine and motor away.

" I don't know what the hell wrong with people. You know what had come about??? My one of the moron client just forced me to ditch my company " I said in pretty loud voice. " I mean, why are they jealous because my fellowship is on the top of the business in Chicago and they all are fuckers"

" C'mon just relax it happen sometime " Agnes pressed the accelerator to increase the race.

"Let's go to a movie? you will feel better " she said and start tapping her fingers on her cell.

" No no no movies , you know I don't like movies" - I protested

"Why not its a new installment of The Amazing Spiderman, I love Spidey, you know "she recounts

"Why Spidey? Let's go to the Navy Pier, you know I love that place"

" Don't be so boring Winty. Please?" she begged like a small fry

" Okay, fine. Spidey it is" I threw my hands in the air, finally gave up.

( At the mall )

As long as we entered I ordered a large Pepsi to keep myself busy in drinking and pumping the straw in and out. knowing the fact that my next hour going to ruin because of Spiderman.

The movie starts and her face glows seeing Andrew Garfield on the screen. People applauded at his stupid stunts and laughed as his funny dialogue deliveries.

Its felt like prison. Well its always does whenever me and Agnes would go to a movie. Our picks were so different from each other. She loves romantic, dramatic, actions movies and I dislike the all of those.

Because I can't discover anything new in them. My theories never get worked out on those ghosts who came alive in climax. I imply what the fuck it was. They passed on the ugly ghost alive to make a new installments which were as sick as the last one. and It sucks more when u knew how its going to be end. Sounds weird right?

"Cmon Andrew you can do it " Agnes shouts and my sleep broke.

"Jesus Christ calm down, you are scaring the crap out of me " I struck out my ear plugs and look at the screen. Spidey is fighting with the demon and trying to save his new beloved

" Yes " She whistle, seeing him Succeeded in the final stage. The lights turned on and I was glad it was over.

" did you like the movie? " Agnes asked curiously which meant she didn't notice me sleeping. How can she her eyes were only stalking Andrew.

" yeah its pretty good " I yawn and drink the rest of my Pepsi .

" can we see it again the next show is in 20 mins "

"No way I am already dying let's go to food court."I start walking ahead. So she hadn't left with the choice expect follow me.

This life, A weird one, which I never planned for was full of drama.

My family was unaware of it and my real dad I don't where he is but we shared talks sometimes, He never bother himself to meet me or try to fix the things I messed. but He let me feel his presence by sending love in some dollars so i wrote him some letters in return.

I saved all money he sent , Don't know why. May be I was attached to it because those money, made me felt that he is near around me. 

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