I know How it goes

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( Niall Horan ) ( Past )

The day onwards, I accepted that I was no longer the same Niall I used to be. Gradually, with the passage of each day, I sensed that I was changing. I got all excited when I was to see her in the evening and followed by our usual tasty dinner and than shared talks out to balcony in same chilly moon in the sky.

I would feel low if she wouldn't turn up for some reason. Most of the time her name would appear on my cellphone's last dialled contact.

Once, when we met in gym. She shared a secret wish. She wanted to booze. i was pleasantly surprised She had mentioned that she had never had a drink before, apart from the champagne which contained very little alcohol content nor did she have any plan to do so.

" how come you have this urge all of a sudden ?? " I questioned her.

" Just like that " She answered candidly. I kept looking at her thinking that she would say something more. But she didn't. That was it.

So I brought her to a nearby Chinese restaurant both of us loved Chinese food and so i had identified a few good eating joints in the city for my convince and also the one with less crowd.

We took the corner table with a sofa beside the bar for some much needed Privacy.

The waiter handed the menu to winty and I kept watching her take a decision on what she would drink. Her choice of booze was dependent on how nice the bottle at the bar looked and not on its contents. So she spent her time going through the deck of bottles at the bar. I enjoyed seeing her immature decision making capabilities on the subject of alcohol. She spent some ten minutes surveying the bottles, only to come back confused to me

" I'll have a tequila "

"What No" I shook my head, rendering all the sigh I could on her horrible decision.

" Do you think it is a bad idea ? " She asked innocently. Her eyes appeared to want me to say it wasn't.

" Yes, Tequila is hard to handle for a person like you" I desired to persuade her, but as I guessed she was stubborn.

" C'mon Harry say yes for that please " she tapped her legs on wooden floor like a 13 year old girl, begging for a expensive barbie dolls.

In certain moments when Winter would talk in this ultra cute manner, I would refrain from answering immediately. I wanted to cherish the cuteness with which she talked. I wanted to share a part of her innocence and read those little things running in her sharp mind.

Her lips curved when she smiled and bit the lower one. I focus on how she wrinkled her nose when she was disappointed in one of the bottles. Her eyes lashes would flutter and kiss each other for a split second after few seconds.

Whenever I got to live such moments, I simply wanted to keep looking at her and fulfill my lust of seeing her for an infinite duration. I never wanted to talk.

I take my gaze off her which I would do reluctantly.

It was going to be winter's encounter with alcohol so I simply followed her eyes for a yes willy nilly

" Are you okay with that " She inquired.

" Make that one " I turned to waiter.

" why " Her eyes got super big on my for not having alcohol with her.

" I want one of us alive to drive " I said.

She didn't waste her time to force me and said " forget him and bring 2 shots for me"

The waiter left us.

" are you serious on your decision ?? Because it will gonna ruin you " I rested my back as folding my arms across and slide my body down. I know how it goes if the drink took her over.

" I am " She nodded.

A moments later waiter served the drink along with the snacks she had ordered. My eyes on her when she went ahead and grabbed the tiny glass.

And she sipped it down at once, her euphoria dropped. Acting brave, she didn't say much but the way her eyes shut tightly the moment she sipped tequila revealed the reality.

It hadn't tasted as per her expectations.

" so, how it is ? " I asked and wondered what she would say.

" I knew it was going to taste bad. But I had been told by friends that this is how alcohol is supposed to be " she answered.

I liked her spirit.

Winter did struggle with a second shot of tequila and licked the lemon slice pinch with salt. It seemed it was an effort for her to swallow the spirit down her throat.

" Don't you think that blue is a sexy color?? " she said, pointing on my blue t-shirt that has some quotes like [ you are wrong and I am right ]

" My mom married a fucking guy, and because of him I got kicked out from my own house "

" She was a bitch, She left her born baby for the fucking love or some money "

" But you are a nice guy. I like the way you are. But i hate your beard. Why don't you cut them off. "

She kept talking as the evening moved on and I kept silence.

The alcohol finally took effect. It had tickled the pleasure cells in her brain and she start talking crazy.

All of sudden the good moment change into a public embarrassment when she was loud enough for others who sat at tables further away.

I tried my best to control her but I couldn't help myself laughing on her totally different side to her.

Seeing the squad of bartenders and waiters observing us I was a little alarmed and began to insist her to behave herself. She gave me a look as if I had denied her moral rights.

The waiter arrived at our table, winter tried reading the name tag right above the pocket of his tuxedo. She actually got close enough to him while reading it.

" Lee " she said first and then continued to add " Chang " she was about to spell the remaining two letters of one of the most difficult names she had encountered in her life when I cut her short.

" winty " I jumped from my seat and forced her to sit down.

" yes " she said and shifted her focus back to Me. She was smiling all the time.

She clapped her hands and demanded " I want to have more "

" no " I urged.

Without saying a single word she nodded. It was a big enough nod that her head tilted all the way back and than came down. Three times in sequence, after which she pulled up her feet on the sofa and relaxed.

It was like she was provoking me to love her and in the same time she was pissing me off.

" Winty, take your feet off and sit properly " I almost shouted at her with clenched teeth.

" ssshhhhhh " she hushed with a finger on her tightly closed lips " we are in public place, harry , Don't shout " She said that I didn't know we are in public.

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