Chapter 29

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( Winter Roybothem )

it was about 5:30 in the evening. I was sitting on couch, watching TV and scanning the channels to fain something that will change the topics running in my shit mind.

Her concern increased more than anything else. To prove it, she came back early from her job to make me comfortable so I can speak, tell her what's wrong. But when I refused to talk She got busy in kitchen. Probably making some chicken.

She knows How much I love to eat chicken specially if it is made by her.

This is an old trick to make me happy and let the words flow out of my mouth. But This time I don't think it gonna work on me. Because the situation I am in with Niall was too hard to get through.

" Agnes Will you please open the door for me, I am to busy in watching a Chef show " I exclaimed for a favor when I heard a door bell that wasn't seems like to be end.

" Stop watching the shit TV, Its not meant for you " She yelled, past by me with a knife in right hand.

( gotcha I told u she is making chicken. ) :p

" What " I heard her voice asking a unknown guest.

" Where is she " A replied came.

" Which 'She' you want there are two " Agnes asked her with one more questions.

I kept my eyes staring at the TV, to find out who is going to be eliminate in this episode.

" Winty, you have a visitor " Agnes told me and went back into the kitchen.

Willy-Nilly I turned my head to look back at the door. Roselyn was standing over there, hands were folded below her chest, Giving me weird stares " We need to go "she announced while reaching for my hand to grab me.

" Wwwheerrrree? " My words trims because of her allegedly holding things.

" I will answer you, once we hop in my car " She said, dragging me out from my house.

" Wait, at least let me finish that episode "

" George Alex eliminated, It was a repeat telecast" She said, opening the passenger door and pushed me inside.

within a sec. She fasten her seat belt and race her car " where are you taking me? What's wrong with you?"

" Do you have any idea , whats going on behind your back ?? " She said, unrevealing the whole matter.

" What are you talking about " I replied.

" Niall loves you, He really does, He is not that kind of guy who can ever cheat on you winter, He is the most loyalist man alive on this fucking earth" She said in one breath.

" Hold on , what ?? " I have been in shock , my eyes got bigger and bigger. " Where did you get find that out? "

" I am sorry but I read that letter, you left for him in the morning, in a hope that James will mail it, but you don't know the shitty facts that Every single letter from our office posted by me and When I found Niall's address on it , I wouldn't help myself to stop making me read that specially when Its written by Winter Roybothem , Who doesn't give a Damn about One direction " she said in a pretty loud voice.

The letter she is talking about was full of breakup phases, I thanked Niall for the time he spend with me, I thanked him for the Day he held me up in his arms without caring people. Which would be mean lot to me and last but not least I wrote him a single word ' Bye ', a heartbreaking one I guess

She explained and continue " Don't let that person out of your sight, who can do anything to get you, think for once He has billion girls but he chose you from all. because You are special for him. you idiot, your hates towards celebrity were justify but winter how can u hate the person who is madly in love with you frankly speaking, I never heard anything wrong about him in media, He never got in a affair before. Isn't it enough to prove that he is the greatest in all the celebs, you know as bad butt ?? " As she turned left, my body rolled over her seat for a minute.

"Stay focus because, I don't want us get killed " I yelled taking my position back in the seat.

" I am a food drove "

" Yeah I can see that " I snapped, diverting my mind once again on Niall.

Her role as an eye opener worked on me. Sometimes the people who annoyed you most . are the real life saver.

" Are you convinced or do I need to say more" She asked, taking my lost attention.

" I am , but where are you taking me, to his home ?? " I asked

" No to the airport, I heard his flight for London is in hour, We need to get there before he flies "

suddenly Her car jumps off a speed breaker.

" I think I need my safety belt now" I said and locked it over my body.

Letting Niall go, away from my life would throw me into hell for the rest of my life. His caring stuff, his overly warm holdings, his laughs, and the jokes he used to tell me. I fell them into, became my obsession. He lies to me and that's wasn't his fault, actually it was mine. Because I didn't give him the proper space to tell the truth.

I guess I messed up. yeah I messed the whole damn thing.

" Let's do this " she slammed the brakes and climbed out before me.

"We need to rush sweetheart and don't be shy I am with you, just get him and kiss him to prove that you love him too okay... " she said leaning against the door.

" Do u think its a good I-D-E-A " I said, biting my nails.

" c'mon winter its just a kiss, I am not telling you to make love " She tells

" No, not about kiss. I am asking you about that plan we decided to act on " I said, nervously.

" Of course it is , Don't you believe me " She asked, Still leaning on the door.

"hmmm' I said and shook my head for a big no.

" wonderful, let's do this than " She said while straighten her back out.

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