Chapter 28

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I headed to the right cabin, I quietly pushed the door and found a wooden giant desk in front with a conspiracy wall behind. I guess Its a biggest cabin from all, company had. Exactly the same, winter described it once.

"Can I come in " my words disturbed Carl's eyes who was busy in writing something on notepad, "Mr. Horan you don't need any permission, come inside."

I walked towards the desk, shook hands with a quick warm hug, "have a seat"

"Thanks, why don't you just call me Niall, It sounds better than that " I pull out a chair and sat opposite of him.

"Haha I love that too, and by the way thanks to you and your pals, who gave time to my daughters from their busy schedule"

"Don't mention it, they are as beautiful as Zayn's daughters" I said and look up at the guard, who still in position next to my chair, "seriously" I pronounce in a sharp voice.

"Sorry sir " He apologized and went outside.

"They screwed me up almost " I turned to Carl once again.

"Ahh...Its a part of their job, you can't blame them. So What would you like to have coffee, tea or something else?"

"I guess coffee " He dialed a number from a cell on his table, while I looked at the desk on my left that carried a name plate with bold initials of her name, assure me, it was hers.

The chair was empty but I could imagine her sitting, I could imagine her working on that PC, I could even imagine her doing that look when she even tensed for something and than had weird expressions with a cute smile which I adore most.

"What are you looking for" Carl distracted me from my own world setting down the cell on table once again.

"Ahh... Would you mind If I ask you, where the girl is?"

"Who, winter , do you know her " yes and I think I'm pretty much in love with her.

I cleared my throat and try to lie confidentiality, "not personally, I heard about her from Paul, he said she is going to design our next stage shows so I just wondering if I could meet her."

"Yup she is, and she is damn good at her jobs, you can guess by the ideas of concert it was all her. but I feel sorry because she is not really interested in meeting any celebrity." Carl said in response.

"I know " I muttered.

"Sorry " Carl look straight to me, before I could say anything else someone knocked at the door and he signed him to come in.

A guy placed two cup of coffees and went to look for something on her table and finally held a blue envelope, he is looking for and rushed outside.

"She was here in morning but I sent her back on off, the girl wasn't in a good shape " Carl said " you are here for her only?"

"Is everything alright" I asked worriedly, "yeah I just wanted to say a thank, she did lot for us, selected clothes, made bookings in peninsula, put all the efforts for the guys she hated most."

"She doesn't hate anyone niall, just some past incidents let her, she is diagnosed with a invisible phobia of celebs."

"Randomly named by niall horan" I muttered leaning back in my seat crossing my arms.

"Huh.." he said, "pardon please"

"Sorry to interrupt you sir but we need to make a move now, sir Louis is waiting for you " I heard the guard voice from behind.

"Well it was nice meeting you Carl and thanks for having us" I stood and gave a last hug to him.

Wearing the sunglasses so nobody can assume my sobbing. I just let my way out of his cabin, lies don't have legs and that's how people got punished. She chose to part her ways from my fancy world so I am gonna respect that as I promised, but a relationship doesn't get closer by meeting, it is sweetened by thoughts. I care for her in my own strange ways. Maybe she will never know maybe I will never show.

"Opps I am sorry I just lost in my thoughts" I apologized to Roselyn, whom I just bumped into, while trying to get into the elevator.

"Its okay" She said, hiding the same blue envelope the coffee guy took that from winter's desk while ago, "see you sometime."

"For your information miss we are going back to London and I don't think so we'll ever catch up here."

"Oppps" she sounds upset seems like she wasn't happy with the decision but why the hell she was concerned, "hey wait what is that" her eyes caught a single drop of my tears rolling down from corner.

"Just got dirt in my eyes" I replied in full on shaking voice.

She looked at me in disbelief doesn't smile nor said something in response. Well that bothers me even more when she just took a look on that envelope once again and kept quite. I felt like she had things to speak, something that she desperately wanted to let me know.

"Sir we are running late" the guard interrupt the stares we are on.

I past by her as quiet as she maintained. I could have asked her about envelope but I choose not to be involve myself in anymore heart breaking situations and frankly speaking I already had many to go through.

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