Chapter 15

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( Niall Horan )

I am at some place. I don't know exactly where. It's a strange place, all bright around me. A pin-drop silence persists like the silence of the dawn before the sunrise. I feel very light as I walk on the path in front of me. I don't know why I am here or where i need to go. Yet I am walking. Though I have never been here before, I can feel a strong connection with the place.

That scent! I know that scent

All of a sudden I see someone in front of me. A girl she is facing away from me. As I walk towards her the intensity of her perfume increase. I am few step away from her now. I hear someone's heartbeat. I am standing behind her and about to see her but before I can see her. She turn around to face me and leave me in a shock

It's her, it's winter

A cool breeze blows and everything around me glitters. I see her and she look at me.

Her eyes were dropping the pearls of water, nose is bleeding and hair all messed.

" omg what's wrong with you" I hold her in my arms and she about to fall. She is really cold. She needs my warm. I wanted to wrap her in my jacket with me. But than i realized I am only in sweatpants.

She keeps staring at me but didn't say a word.

" Don't close your eyes, stay awake" I said as I felt she was losing her breath.

A tear from the corner of my right eye rolls down, on to her hand.

The light around both of us brightens up every second. It blurs my eyes. And all of sudden alaram of my watch rings as it routine time and interrupt my sleep. It was bad dream, a horrible one that almost pushed me in death stake but before I could sense more horrible.

I walk to my bathroom to get ready for the meeting I was here in London.

( After Some Hours )

" Shit " I said under my breathe realizing How late I was When I Noticed everyone's Car in parking Lot as i parked mine.

I made my Way towards The conference room and Found Mark outside,waiting for me

" He Isn't in a good mood " He warned me about Paul which I was aware of and pushed the door for me.

silence refilled The room as i appeared into the room, walked through by so many staring eyes and left with no choice I took a spare seat Behind Liam and sat down.

" Like we saw Niall is not in mood for any apology so i will not bother myself to repeat what he missed " Paul sentences worked in distracting crew's eyes over him from me. He got busy in his laptop for a minute. than up his chin

" So Guys as we decided the things for that show. I love to tell You This is the biggest deal of the year we had in our hands and The interesting thing they were going to sponsor some of ours next shows. which would be a history " His announcement earned so many cheerful voices and claps.

"For How long we will stay there " we heard Zayn who sat opposite next to Louis seems concerned about days because of Perrie who is pregnant with the second child.

" two " Paul's assistant Replied on behalf of him giving us a smile and continued " They booked room for us in Peninsula "

" Wait what Peninsula " The loud voice echoing in the room was mine. I was succeeded to gain everyone attention one more time.

"Yes any problem Niall" Paul asked and I shook my head.

Was all this a coincidence ?? Or I was in any dream. They were taking Me to that place I ran from.

Where those things happened I am not even sure if it does have any meaning.

Paul stood up from his chair to explain some further detail Of our profits and calculated the numbers of dollars that will going to be distribute in 4 of us as always I was satisfied with my share.

"Any question guys" His eyes start rolling around and Louis raised his left hand " I like to stay at Niall's place over there " I looked at him in confusion.

" Mine " I said.

" I mean yeah. You have a rented apartment in Chicago, the one you shared with Scoot right" I nod and he continued " than why we need to stay in any hotel. They sucks sometime" Louis said and

Zayn nod in agreement.

" Well I don't have any problem with that " I cleared my point as rolling my eyes on my right where Liam was sitting Like I was not in that room or he didn't heard any Chats around.

"And You Liam " Paul asked him. knowing the part that nothing is fine between us and I am sure He Don't want us to get into a Fight One more time.

" I prefer to stay at Peninsula " Liam decided after a pause and I sigh in relief.

" Great than " Paul said with a satisfaction smile on his face.

"Well the meeting is over now , you guys can make a move , the rest we can handle thank you for coming " Paul sigh us to leave the room and that's what we did.

I was the first one who walked out from room to find a corner to breath but Someone called out my name, forced me to look back.

" Ni, are you alright " Loui asked as Taking his steps towards Me

I nodded.

" C'mon dude. You can share with me. I know I am not the best as harry but still you have an option "

" I am fine loui " I said with a fake smile.

" Hey there my girl is " Louis said, with the luckiest smile from which I know He saw Elenore coming to us.

But I didn't bother to turn around.

As she past by me, Loui grabbed her in his arms reminds me of the day where I carried winty.

" I think I should go now " I said, Gesturing mark to come with me.

" Ni, why don't you join us on Dinner tonight " El said without leaving Loui grabs in lovely manner which i adore the most

" el its sweet that u asked but i should like to stay at my place" i shoved my hands in pocket and avoid the eye contacts.

" c'mon Niall , loui has lot of things to talk with you. what about Man's night??

" man's night ??? " i repeated and hope liam wouldn't be around if it was man's night

" yeah i will be staying with perrie tonight. she needs me. so i thought loui get a company if u say yes for it. "

" well okie than , see u at night " i surrendered that gave smile on her face.

" Thanks " she said.

" Well see you at night buddy " Loui gave a tight hug to me and walked out with Elenore.

But I stayed there until they both vanished from my eyes. Its been 8 years but their love never get old and In all those year Everything changed that made me feels lonely even if I have surrounded by the best people I had once called everything thing to me.

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