Chapter 7

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( Niall horan )

"How was the day so far Ni " Scoot asked as I came inside his home. He was sitting on the couch, his legs were slowing down on the table and the Newspaper with articles about our section lay on it. I don't think so the guys from media ever missed a day to talk about us.

" Fuck " I said as moving towards my room .

" Loui' idea seems not to be working at all, You still buzz with some fans??" His voice traveled a bit, but when I shut down the door behind, everything was calm and quiet.

I consumed two cans of beers and emptied the second one listening to some music in bedroom

I was thinking solely about the girl i met today. Beside, I was contending with two types of fear at that moment- the fear of getting carried away and becoming the kind of human being I had long left behind and the fear of denying myself a chance to restart a whole new life

Meeting with her was delighted. But I was confused as well. I swam in an oblivious sea of two simple questions- Should I or Should I not?

She had finally cracked the ice and an unidentifiable part of me had begun to melt. I had almost believed that the rest of my life was surviving to continue pretty much in the same way as it had continued till then. Finding love was not an option I ever thought of, and neither did I want to think of it.

Deep in my heart I liked her. But somewhere something was stopping me from sailing in the oceans of my heart.

The horrific memories from my past. I desperately wanted to get rid of them, I am still holding close to my heart.

At best, people do live with memories not sure how many and not sure how. but those I have been chased by where still blocking my way to get into a beautiful life.

( Winter Roybothem ) next day

Carl pushed a little box of chocolates towards me " Here for you " He said, while stealing a chair from my desk to sit across.

" Chocolates?? What for ?? " I asked, leaving my focus from the notes I was dropping a line.

" We have got that deal " He smiled. His fair complex and grey eyes were brighten up like shining stars.

" Whoa, that's pretty awesome, now I don't think so you won't mind telling me about this new project " I said, picking up a chocolate from that box, looks tasty.

" the guys from a popular band coming here for a fundraiser show and we were invited by Paul, their manager. Who gave us a chance to execute the design for them we sent him" Carl breathe and go forward " If they luckily find something interested in it, we will have a big millions deal this year "

I uttered with my mouth stuffed " sounds interesting "

" I ask you to work on it as early as possible " Carl stood up, to grab some files from his desk.

I nodded.

"guess what the guys heading next month in the first week" He surprised me, I probably hate that.

" what?? Are you kidding me Carl ?? We hadn't done anything yet and you are giving me a dead line " I said, trying to explain him things, I need to do first plus inspect the site they chose to play live in front of audience. Without seen it I can't be able to design the stage, He demanded.

" Relax winter, you sustain a potential to do all that crazy things in time " He encouraged " make me proud sweetheart "

" By the way, what's the name of the band" I said, throwing the chocolate rap in Dustin under my board.

" one direction. Ever heard of them???" He looked at me in a dissimilar way.

" never"

" great,its done you going to receive them from airport as well as take care of their needs "

" what??? me" I almost jumped from my seat.

" yeah you, I don't want anyone freaking out in front of them. You are the only one. Who don't know the direction guys so I can trust you on this " Carl statement, caused my eyes super big.

" o my god, ... you know I have a big issue with celebs "

I just hate celebs. Some of my guys in high school told me that they were so crude and arrogant... If you look at them they are better men alive on earth. But deep down they were just a demon. They do clubbing , drunk , sleep around .... kinda messed in their own creation.

I don't wanna face them ever.

" C'mon winter they are just human like us, they don't bite " Carl yelled, while I lifted a black purse on my left shoulder to go forth.

" Not at all, I am not going to get them. My work is to design stage and brighten it with lights. Spare me to do something beyond from my job " I protested, like he sentenced me ' hang till death '

" Winter " He said, riled.

" no " I argued and left my cabin to have my lunch.

Half a dozen blocks away, there is a stand of Food truck. the eatery was actually a minibus or , to say it better , a van with no seats inside but a massive display box installed to exhibit a variety of sandwich. Behind that display box was the service area where a fat couple was busy selling sandwiches. The place had a separate entrance and exit. The queue ran from the inside of the van to a good long distance outside, proving that this little diner was doing good business. I joined at the tail of the queue.

But for another surprise of the day. My eyes caught a familiar face from yesterday, The guy who I fight with, was sitting on bench in a open garden restaurant near the eatery place, his eyes were covered with glasses and yeah I don't like his French beard. That's the fact I have reason to hate him.

As I get a little closer, I saw he was sitting with his mate beside.

( Niall Horan )

" What makes you so busy in it " Scoot asked when I was pretending to chat on some social media.

" Nothing, I am just trying to distract my mind " I said, without giving him any glance.

" What's wrong with you Ni, from yesterday you hardly talked few words and now behaving like a jerk Is everything alright ??? Or I need to approach Paul " he sounds worrying although I am clueless about my behaviour. I don't feel like to talk, I don't feel like to eat either... why not ??? All because I was distracted by a girl I hardly know about.

" Excuse me Can i join you scoot " we heard a interruption that forced us to look up.

My optics were jammed, heart almost race ten times faster when I Saw her standing in front of me with a sandwich box in her hand and a big fat smile on her face. Than I heard myself saying ' Don't freak out '

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