Chapter 27

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The Clarification and Explanation by Niall on his lies sounds insane to me, hence I still love listening it because whatever he did, was all for me. I never could even imagine in my dreams that a guy like him would ever made that much efforts to make me his.

but a ridiculous thought was why me! why he chose me from all the beautiful girl he might have faced in his life. i am not in a Victoria's secret models, nor my looks match Angelina Jolie.

Than why?? why me....

I mean look at him man. He has that charming face, you never want to take your eyes off. He has those perfect lips, you don't wanna miss the chance to taste them. His hypnotist dark blue eyes, Beg you to fall in love with them. that's shows He deserve a most beautiful girl in this world, not a stupid ass like me.

" Anything else, You wanna eat Mam " Nancy interrupted my thoughts, while Niall's eyes were waiting for my reply on his overseas lie.

" No thanks " I said in respond, taking my eyes off from plate. I hadn't made any eye contact with him since we sat opposite.

The next moment I stood firmly and Thanked Nancy for a delicious breakfast. and let my way out of his house, wearing the long black coat he had offered me while ago.

My car parked in lot, just next to his. Some Giants muscular guys were guarding the building's front gates and watching me carefully.

Seems like they know I came down from Niall's penthouse.

I drove off my car away from his apartment and from his life. " Good bye Niall Horan. Hope we will never face each other again " I said under my breath while giving the last glare at 45 floors of building by rare mirror.

I was in pain, Lungs stop giving me accurate oxygen for breath. No matter How much I wanted to go back to him, wanted to kiss him , wanted to make him mine. But I can't. Lies are Lies. you can't take it for granted. not in his situation.

I hadn't got over from my past that ruined by styles. who scared shit out of me and chased me into my dreams many times. I tried, I tried hard to let things out of my mind but I failed so far. than how could I start a life with him. When I had a damaged.

After half and hour drive, I pull in my car to our drive way and stepped out.

Unlock the door and get into my home once again, I run towards my room's bathroom, took off the coat and turn on the shower to heal the pain I was getting buzzed with.

The tears I hold up so long finally dropped down with the warm water falling over.

I realized how cursed was my life is . I felt as if something sharp has just been stabbed into my chest.

I want to run away to some place don't know where...but need a place away from his world..... from the fragrances of his love.... :(

( After 2 days )

[ Niall Horan ]

" That's How Things happened wrong. I was sure If the fight wouldn't take place that day. I might have explained her things better and she will take that in different way. " I was in my balcony , talking on phone with Scott. I dialed his number in hope that He will suggest me a well proof planned. The one that my mind skipped in a heart broken situation

" Give her time, that much time she needed to know about you" That's it Love Guru Mr. Scott Have had these words to say. whoa I wish I should have Told Hazz about it from the day one. So I could steal a back up plan from his stocks.

" I think you right. gotta go. I'll you later " I cut the call in disappointed.

" Whom are you talking on phone for so long " Louis asked me when I showed up back in Drawing room.

" scott " I answered as relaxing my bums to a opposite couch from his and inhaled the exhausted puff I lost in talking on phone.

" So you Still taking Love classes from him. I thought you were pretty much grown to look for your own " Louis snapped and Throws a pillow on me in a dismanner.

" Love classes " Zayn jumped in our conversation who was sitting over a bean bag next to a coffee table , looks busy in chatting on a whatsapp or Facebook a min ago.

" Do u have any problem " I asked , Rolling my eyes in his direction.

" Why scoot man , When you have two experience person on your side. I don't think so anyone can guide you better than us. you know" Zayn said and they two winks at each other. Louis Lips stretched to give a devil laugh or I could say the naughty one.

" I gave up on you guys long ago " I told them a truth that I am afraid of saying it but finally I said in a annoyed tone.

" Than Try Harry " Zayn suggest, Tapping his fingers once again on screen.

" Harry... Have you heard anything from him. I missed that guy every single day" Louis turn to Zayn, showing his concern on Harry's absence from our life.

The day He Walked out from One Direction. I don't know About the others but I was in the bad trauma. He was important for us , Important for our band and important more for me. I can't tell How much I missed him. How much I need him for the days I messed.

And since Me and Liam got into a fight I gave up on everything. Because after harry if Someone really shows concerns was him. I can bet If harry was still in our life He should have tried thousand time to sort the difference between me and Liam. where these two boys let it go.

" Well excuse me guys, I have a important Skype " zayn Stood and climbed the stairs to the way of my room. He sounds important means " Perrie "

" I'll catch you in half an hour " I announced, making my way out of the home.

" No problem, Just be quick , Our flight is on time " Louis yelled to remind me.

For the official work, Lads was here was completed yesterday.

Her absence pinched me badly. I dialled her no. millions time but she switched off her phone from the day she left me with her silence. Seems like she stayed on her intention of avoiding me.

" No need. Stay away " I ordered one of the guard who start following me to my way of parking lot

" but sir there is so much crowd outside And we can't take a risk " He rolled his eyes over the gates. where from I could see our fans waiting as they get to know that we are in town by some local news channels. " You know Paul's order " He added.

"Alright " I surrender and gave him my car keys. " Thank you sir " He respond and open the passenger door for me.

As we passed through the main gates, I heard the same screaming from girls that they used to call us by signing our songs.

it took 20 mins to reach us on my destination. He parked the car and followed me inside the building. My eyes caught a girl behind the front desk who is smiling looking at me.

" Hi " I approached her, taking off my sunglasses.

" good afternoon , welcome back Niall, How can I assist you " She wished, Still smiling.

" Where Can I Find Mr. Carl Watson " I asked her while reading down her name on her batch.

" Kindly take the left elevator on 4th floor and than take right. you will find him. There is only one cabin on that side " She explained

" Thanks Roselyn " I smiled back and she welcomed by her expression.

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