Chapter 17

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I walked on the same steps, loui guided me and from the middle of my way I sniffed some delicious smell that confirmed me to be on right direction.

" there she is " I said under my breathe while holding steps on threshold. She was busy in topping desert. Louis loved her cooking skills and admired it every chance he got and

that's the only reason she cooks by herself whether its for him only or for his mates.she never hired any servant for her kitchen.

" whoa you here " Eleanor noticed me " from how long you have been watching me " she laughed and run to me for a hug.

I am impressed with the white top and a ankle length jeans she was wearing.

" Hey " I said, while giving a warm tight hug.

" opps sorry " she apologized for leaving some chocolate stinks on my T-shirt.

" its okie" I lift down my chin. The small dots of chocolate weren't so visible.

" hope it was not branded" she said, going back to her platform.

" No, its not " I manage to reply while sitting on a bar stool across her platform.

" I am glad u here " she gave a beautiful smile, that stole million of hearts.

" I wish I could say that too " I wanted to explain her, how I felt seeing Liam around but my words stucked back.

"don't worry about liam, he will be fine "

I didn't reply.

But to show her concern she placed a muffin front of me " taste it I baked it for u " she continued " how was the trip to Chicago "

As she said Chicago. I thought of how I seemed to have felt a strange connection with a girl named winter, I thought of the day she got drunk.

We reached at her home and I somehow manage to unlock the main door while carrying her in my arms. She was awake, playing with her hairs she had some words she kept saying over and over. Which I was still trying to get it.

I switch on the lights and laid her down on couch and went to pull out a bottle of water from the fridge. The chilled air from the fridge froze me further.

As I was pulling out a can of juice. I felt Winter behind me.
She had perched her elbow on the door of the refrigerator and was watching me. She was smiling naughtily with her little fingertip stuck at the corner of her lips.

" You want water or ju... " I tried to continue but she cut Me in mid-sentence to say " I want you "

The refrigerator door swivelled shut behind my back, interrupting my gazing at her.

The curve of her smile grew.

She didn't say anything further, but simply stepped closer towards me with her arms wide open.

In that very second I experienced a rush of adrenalin surging within me. It was as if gallons of blood were rushing up and down my nerves, choking them, and inflating my muscles inside. My hands grew cold. I was a split second away from witnessing something beautiful. It was not going to be first time but it was going to be after so long a time .

She came like a breeze and wrapped me in her arms. I felt her and I felt her feeling. She held me tight and rested her face on my shoulder. Her warmth pushed away the cold lurking with in me . her innocent hug cleared every lingering thought from my mind, leaving me absolutely calm.

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