Chapter 4

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The next day was Agnes birthday and fortunately a Saturday as well. I had spilled the beans to my boss for a paid leave to celebrate it, but as always he ignored me, saying our company need my new design to brighten the stage for a Boy band. And I got stuck for ages and left around 10 in the night.

And when I reached to my home I found out approximately ten people, Including our neighbor Mrs. Paulson and her grandson Alex made the empty house lively with their precious presence. As predicted by a few, Nikita ( Agnes close friend ) didn't show up. And as predicted again by other few, The excuse she gave for not attending that day she was " not feeling well ". I choose to stand near dining table and observed the surroundings as I hardly know any of them.

The party already began. The guests were living up to their reputation of being extremely enthusiastic. There was a great batch of shooting and hooting, and many wished her Happy birthday loudly, A little kid on the couch, probably the child of that couple who seems busy in talking with Agnes, was crying out loud. Everything seemed to be happening at the same time.

Agnes welcomed two new guest with juices and coke. And all of a sudden, I felt that everything at home had become vulnerable to inspired by the invitee. Anyone could open and check out anything. Our home was under everyone's control and my bedroom was under the control of the titular kid who had soiled his diaper with some artistic coloring and made his mother's life more difficult.

There was absolute craziness.

Then someone shouted " Let's cut the cake. Hey birthday girl, come here ". And I moved to the kitchen to get a knife, when Lisa (Agnes colleague. Whom I know a piece because she love to visit here sometimes) asked me " hey didn't you invite your boyfriend "

I answered " I don't have boyfriends, I mean love and me are like oil and water "

She kept looking at me " why not, you are young and fresh ... you know what I have in mind"

Having some idea what she was trying to say, I laughed a bit and said " babes, enjoy the drink and give me one "

I continued tracking down for the knife, seemed to be dislocated.

Lisa eyes were yet on me. She was wearing a light green shorts with white tank in which her big ass were jumping out in every single position she stood in.

Attempting to steer her away from the topic that was on her mind, I spoke again " thanks, in case you are the one who got the cake "

" Would you mind to date my brother Lake, he pretty much likes you, and today I brought him here to make a great love patch. " she asked with a large gulp of beer and looking intently at me.

" Are you crazy ?? I am not interested at all, " I proclaimed as I found the knife under the gas stove " oh here it is. Come lets go cut the cake. "

" Why not, you will be his first girlfriend and first love is amazing right?? " She raised her eyebrows.

" Look your brother Lake would be a great partner no doubts, but me I don't like shy persons " I said in fake tone.

" Shy people??? " Her expressions got changed.

" I like those people who talk about sex at the first meeting and squeezed me at night " I winked and lied to get her away from the disgusting topic of love.

She gape in amazement, and it was like ' ewweew '

" what's cooking between you two " Agnes interrupted and I thanked her for coming between.

" We were wondering what to cook " Lisa immediately changed the topic and responded with a grin.

" Don't worry, I ordered something from outside " Agnes said, bore my hand and took me out

Soon everyone sang loudly in unison " Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you " This was followed by a great deal of clipping. The cake was cut, smeared and thrown around.

A little later, we had dinner and full all around. At about 2:00am. We bid goodbye to everyone and was left in a messy house. We kept staring at messed- up house and the dirty cutlery and crockery under the kitchen sink. Cleaning up would be a huge task so we changed our clothes into comfort tank and shorts before ready to dirty our hands. We were cleaning the utensils

" I have something to tell you "-Agnes said, awaiting for me to look at her side.

" Go ahead " - I suppose as I focus on a my task, avoiding the eye contact.

"Something came up so early "

"What is it "- I left the washing dish and look right next to me.

"I am sorry " these types of games I hate the most since they hold so much suspense.

"Can you please hit the bulls eyes, " I stared her, waiting for the answer

"I had booked a ticket for Phoenix my grandmother is not in good shape and she wants to see me before ..... You know, " she completed, clearly in pain. I let pity Control my facial features. " I will be in that location for weeks, " she added.

"How many weeks "

"Perhaps 2 or 4 " she takes a sip of water.

"Well, it's okay with me, you should blend in without any worries" I assured her, reminding myself that she has a family who actually want to see her every year.

It's gonna be a little difficult without her because she manages things on my behalf and she is only one I am talking to.

"I am so sorry Winty I know its hard for you to eat up "she grabbed my hand and rubbed the skin.

"No no its fine, when is your flight?" I try to take back my emotions

"Monday morning, " she said promptly...

"I'll help you in the pack" - I smiled and set about washing the dish.

"You are so sweet, thanks for being my friend " she smiled back and kissed my cheeks

"I know I am now do your work" :p

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