Did they hold each other tight like us

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( Niall Horan )

I booked tickets to Chicago and reached early before the lads arrive to mess up with my plan. Well they don't know anything about this but still I am bit nervous, standing right in front of that eatery place from where winter used to have her lunch, I was waiting for her.

Actually I decided to tell everything about myself, about the things I hid from her and the one i wanted to say since the day I met her but for some reason it couldn't be happen.

I knew I was behaving like jerk. Today is my show and I was hell yeah buzzing around in my fake bread look for a girl and This situation is weird, everybody was staring at me, hope they don't recognize me soon.

I left her favorite roses to the lady on front desk at her office. If winter was smart enough to recognize who sent her. I must tell she would be here in any minute. Other wise I have to leave for last rehearse with guys.

Its about 11:30 in the morning and there is no sign of her as far as I could see.

[ Baby you and me stumbling on street singing singing yeahh ]

my hands reached into the pocket and I took out my cell for answer It.

" Niall where the hell you are. We are at the stadium, waiting for u " it was Paul, shouting from the other side.

" I am somewhere else to meet my friend sorry for that " I try to keep my voice clam so he won't find out in which situation I was.

" I need you right now, come back " He scolded like dad, as always.

" Look I am in middle of something but I promise I will be there before show " I said and cut the call. When saw a familiar car just pull in.

She is here. Dressed in white skinny fit top, Low waist jeans in blue , black eyeliner and hair left loose. Looks damn Hot and sexy enough to drive me crazy. I was confused How to react. I was dead.

She watched here and there in search of me and finally The golden brown eyes found me. we are miles away from each other But she covered the distance by running in my way.

I spread my arms. she jumped on me. I lifted her upto my torso so She could wrap her legs around my waist for a proper tight hug Which was warm enough to make my heart cry for having this.

I carried her tight Like a baby. It was that hug I wanted. It was that hug helped to heal my all pain gather around my chest. I couldn't tell What I was actually experienced. believe me ,I can do anything to get this hug.

Her breath were heavier, I count every single beats of her heart because of that close less

Her grips were not loosen up nor did mine. It was like 5 minutes or more we were in the same position but than She sigh me to put her down.

" I missed you " I said, letting her down to make her stand on her own feet.

" Shut up, you left me like nothing, what do u think you are harry " She was upset, of course.

" I am sorry I just can't decide things between u and me " I was staring her. Damn I was lost, life seems worth less without her.

She crossed her arms, silently.

" awwww...... you look so cute in that way " I pull her for a another warm hug, surprisingly with a hug she gained a kiss from me on her left cheek that would enough to make them blush. " Let's go " I added with a simple smile.

" Go where " She asked taking her previous position.

" Do u understand the meaning of surprises " I asked her. Well yeah I hold some surprises before I will revel myself But I can't call that one, I prefer to say it a dynamite that going to be explode more than I even thought and the situation I will put her into Must be near to heart attack for her so should i need to call ambulance from now,?????

" Look I really need to go back, there are lot of things left to do, And if I didn't Carl will not bother himself to think twice to sign on my termination letter " She explained, I ignored.

" you are not going any where " I warned and open the passenger door for her.

" Harry please, why don't you understand " She begs while I was hopping her in car with lots of force and efforts. I can't tell you how stubborn she is.

" why don't you understand winty I need to spend some time with you." I locked the gates and run to take my seat.

" what about my car " She gaped, looking at her car by rare mirror.

" Nobody going to stole a out date model so just relax" yeah she drives her friend's scion sometimes , The one which was out of market years ago.

I race the engine and put my car on drive mode without giving more attention on her never ending excuses. critically after big Yes-No , If and buts. she agreed to go with me anywhere and called her boss to made unwanted excuses with big explanations, telling him some fake stories in a hope of some better response from his side. at last she cut the call having a big victory smile.

To distract her mind from work and all I start sharing some stupid old tales when I see nothing interesting she had more to tell, In my history she is the first girl whom with I shared lots of embarrassed moments, even all those that I kept just for myself.

I told her that I dated a girl in my sixteen. she kinda in love with me and ready to leave everything behind but sake of my career and all the things I am living for Right now I ditched her. since than I heard nothing about her expect a news that claimed of her death by Cancer. I didn't know how much truth in that but I never bother myself to find it out.

Her silence disturb my talks , her eyes were rolling in search of something, Don't have any idea what for. But she looks so upset and mumble something which was not much clear that could I heard.

" am I boring you " I asked staring at her, she said nothing in respond just shook her head and rolled her eyes to look outside.

" Than what's wrong with you. tell me, Did I said something wrong ?? " her sudden not so good behavior scared me, Is she felt jealous listening about my ex-gf or she thinks I am heartless person who don't care if someone die.

" Hello I am talking to you " I said in annoying voice that was pretty loud.

she turned her head, watching me carefully " Haaarryyyy actuaaalllyyyy " those words came out from her mouth like someone pointed a gun over her head and she try to speak for her last wish.

" hey what's wrong, alright I am sorry " I apologize without any reason in fact my annoying voice switched into bloody concern tone. what the hell wrong with her some minutes ago she was doing so fine. what had happen suddenly.

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