// 1. It Rained //

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Of course, on the day Tyler and his family moved to Columbus, it rained.

It was your standard downpour, a simple but steady patter of rain on rooftops and driveways. The clouds were a pleasing dark gray, promising more rain throughout the day, possibly even a bit of thunder and lightning. 

There was nothing at all wrong with the rain, in Tyler's opinion. He just wished he could stay here to enjoy it.

But Tyler's father had gotten that promotion, a promotion that promised a secure financial future. And with a secure financial future, apparently, came a newer, nicer house, in a different place. His mother had already started dressing just a little bit nicer, buying slightly better quality food and products when she went shopping. The promotion meant a lot of changes were heading the Joseph family's way.

The biggest change, of course, was the move. It made the whole day a pale shade of gray, like the clouds.

Tyler didn't want to move. He liked the attic, which functioned as his bedroom. He liked being in a part of the house that felt different, and he found the attic's slightly cramped quarters comforting. Familiar. He was definitely going to miss it.

Still, there was nothing that could be done about the move. Tyler's father had made up his mind, and once that had been done he rarely changed it.

Trying not to think about losing the house, Tyler went into that world he sometimes disappeared to, where he focused only on the appearance of things, the colors they displayed and the smells and sights they revealed. These things often inspired a painting, anyway, and Tyler was definitely going to be doing some painting once they got to the new house. He'd need it.

So, Tyler stopped thinking about the move and instead focused on the sound of the movers' wet shoes squeaking and splashing in the driveway as they carried boxes to the van. He noted the way the raindrops seemed to slide off of his raincoat, and the earthy smell of the storm. Lastly, Tyler admired the colors of his red high-top sneakers, almost conflicted against the dark gray of the driveway. He wondered if the new driveway would be this dark.

"Tyler!" his mother called, and Tyler shook his head a bit. "Come get in the car, sweetie, it's time to go."

With a final glance back towards the house he grew up in, Tyler got in the back seat of the car and let his parents drive him towards a new life.

// Author's Note: Thoughts so far on this story? // 

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