// 17. Instead, Tyler Lingered //

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TRIGGER WARNING: Forest Fic reference

Tyler and Josh were both mostly quiet as they walked back to school. It was a nice kind of silence though, more comfortable.

It made a strange feeling seep under Tyler's skin, one he wasn't used to getting from spending time with another person--yellow. Yellow was the color of happiness, and strangely, that was how Josh made him feel. Pale yellow, like sunlight breaking through clouds on a winter's morning. It wasn't much, but it was there, and Tyler wasn't sure how to feel about it.

The rest of the day went reasonably well. Tyler didn't know why, but he made a mental note of which classes Josh was in, and where he sat. He had three classes with Josh--homeroom, math, and science, which was his last class.

As soon as the bell rang, Tyler could have left the classroom with the other students; it was what he would have done at his old school. He would have rushed home as soon as he could, to plan a painting, work on a painting, or buy more supplies.

Instead, Tyler lingered by his desk, putting his things carefully back into his backpack.

"Hey, Tyler," a familiar voice said. It was Josh, of course. His desk was two rows ahead of Tyler's in that class.

He didn't know why he'd waited for him, for a boy he didn't know. It was rather unlike him, but there was time to wonder and worry about that later.

"Hey, Josh," Tyler said as he finished putting his things back into his bag and slung it over his shoulders, holding onto the straps. A small part of his brain noted the way Josh's name felt on his tongue. He'd never known another Josh before.

"Where do you live?" Josh asked as they walked out of the classroom. Then he seemed to realize how it sounded, and he laughed. "Sorry, that was creepy. I just wanted to know if you live anywhere near me. We could walk home together if you want, I mean."

Tyler had never had someone walk home with him before, but Josh was nice. He could trust him, right? Besides, he was still new to the area. Maybe Josh could show him around as they walked. "That sounds good. I live on 112 Forest Street."

"Cool, I live a couple blocks over from there." Josh had his backpack slung over one shoulder, and he gave Tyler a loose grin.

Tyler smiled back at him. It felt almost unnatural, but good at the same time. The two boys walked out of the school together and headed down the street.

A/N: Part of this book is about what colors mean to Tyler. What do colors mean to you? 

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