// 11. Wrought Iron Fence //

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The walk to school was reasonable. A bit chilly, but all in all not bad.

As he walked, Tyler tried to think about the painting he had planned for later. His mind kept drifting back to thoughts of school, however. Would the other students hate him? Love him? Really, he just wanted them to leave him alone. That was how things had been at his old school, for the most part.

He'd been bullied for a little while, he recalls, in eighth grade, for being 'too quiet'. He'd been teased, taunted, made fun of. For a while, Tyler's life had been very blue and purple, like a fresh bruise. But he learned to ignore the bullies' words, and apparently, they didn't want to get in trouble by taking it to the next level, because they stopped harassing Tyler and moved on to somebody else, somebody who showed more emotion.

Besides that, Tyler's school life had been uneventful. At least, up until now.

He'd never gone to a school like this one; his previous school had been public. This one was private, and somehow that made Tyler worry.

Shaking his head slightly to try to clear his thoughts, Tyler looked up at the sky. Albeit there was reasonable cloud cover, it was white instead of gray, so Tyler had little risk of getting a raindrop in his eye. That had been one of his paintings, once--a face looking up into the sky, with rain pouring down. He had destroyed it.

All too soon, Tyler arrived at the gates of his new school. He had seen the school only once before, as his family had driven by it on the way to the new house. The large building, as well as the surrounding yard and an apparent sports field, was surrounded by a black, wrought iron fence. Since it was early, there were only a few students outside, presumably hanging out until it was time for class.

Tyler inhaled and exhaled slowly a few times, once again dulling the purple feeling that had risen up in his chest. With only slight hesitation in his step, he entered the school grounds. 

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