// 49. Josh's Blue Curls //

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It ws the first kiss shared between the two boys tht Tyler had initiated, and it seemed to have surprised Josh. The latter didn't make a move, at first. 

Tyler was worried, briefly, but then Josh softly kissed him back, and rested his hands on the other boy's sides. It made Tyler's heart flutter.

The last time they'd kissed, afterwards, Tyler had panicked, and ran off. It had been a risky sort of situation, and it had come out of nowhere. This time, however, Tyler felt much more comfortable; safe, even. 

After a few sweet moments, Josh separated their lips, although he didn't go far. Tyler could feel Josh's cloudy blue breaths on his face.

They stayed that way for a little while, just being close to one another, and breathing, and thinking. Tyler, for sure, was thinking. He was thinking about how he had always thought he was straight, had never questioned it before, how his family and his school might react if they could see him now. And yet, he was also thinking about Josh. Thoughts of the blue-haired boy seemed to consume everything else: thoughts of his smile, and his laugh, and the kiss they'd just shared.

Because really, even though this was something Tyler hadn't ever planned for, all he could think about was how he, Tyler Joseph, had just kissed Josh Dun.

And before either of them knew it, they were kissing again.

It was just like the kisses they'd shared at school the night of the winter dance, except those kissed had been rushed by the danger of getting caught by a teacher, and the sudden need to be close to one another. These kisses were slower. They were sweet, and gentle, and everything Tyler wanted.

Tyler didn't know how many kisses they shared that evening, nor how long it went on. By the time Josh's mother knocked on the closed bedroom door, they were both half laying down, and cuddled close to one another.


Startled, Tyler quickly sat up. They both bore signs of what they'd done: Tyler's shirt was partly pulled up, and Josh's blue hair was messy. Not to mention, their lips were both a bit stretched out from all the kissing.

Tyler pulled down his shirt, and Josh ran his fingers through his hair a few times before clearing his throat. "Yeah, Mom?"

"We're having ice cream downstairs, if you'd like to join us," she said, and Tyler could tell by the tone of her voice that she probably was smiling.

"Yeah, sounds good."

Tyler listened to Mrs. Dun's footsteps leading away from the door, and waited until he couldn't hear them anymore before looking at Josh. The smaller boy was still reveling in the fact that he got to run his fingers through Josh's blue curls.

Tyler tried to speak,but Josh leaned in and kissed him briefly in such a sweet, gentle way that it made Tyler sigh.

He pulled away before too long, and gave Tyler a smile before hopping off his bed. "Let's go get some ice cream."

A/N: I was actually going to do a space aesthetic picture for this chapter but I saw the kitten footies and died because KITTIES YES AJKLGAJIDAKLD

Life tip: the next time you're sad, search the internet for 'cat feet' and the sad will go away 

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