// 70. Flung Open The Door To Reveal His Lover //

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A/N: The next chapter is set on private so you have to be following me to read it

Okay, so maybe people were starting to know about Tyler and Josh's relationship--those people, namely, being the clique, Jenna, and Tyler's mom. Jenna and the clique were supportive through and through, though, and while Mrs. Joseph wasn't actually supportive, she wasn't trying so hard to keep them away from one another. In fact, sometimes she seemed to turn a blind eye to their more-than-platonic actions.

For example. One evening, when Tyler returned home from an afternoon at Josh's, she didn't question the almost dreamy look in his eyes, or the little pink marks on his neck. Another day, when Tyler and Josh held hands on the way up to Tyler's bedroom, she didn't bring that up, either.

It seemed as if, perhaps, she had decided not to worry herself with the two boys anymore. Tyler was elated, and Josh was, too.

Oh, if only it could have lasted that way forever.

Saturday morning, Tyler ran down the stairs to the front door to let Josh in. Today felt special--granted, every day with Josh felt special, a sunburst of yellow and pink and a strangely sweet orange--but this one was more special than usual, because Tyler's parents were out shopping for new furniture, and Jay and Zack were at a basketball game, and Madison was at a friend's house. Tyler had the whole house all to himself, which was something rare for him.

Normally, he would've taken this time to roam the house freely, eating and drinking as he pleased, laying in the front window to sketch, playing with Ruby, that sort of thing. However, Tyler wanted to share this time with Josh. He supposed that was only more proof that he really loved him, that he cared enough to give up all this free time just to be around him.

He was alone, so he didn't have to force himself to walk down the stairs at the sound of the doorbell. He happily ran instead, yellow bursting in his chest as he flung open the door to reveal his lover.

Josh looked really good today--Tyler got a bubbly pink feeling in his stomach just from thinking that. His hair was messier than usual, and it was a little warmer, so he was wearing a t-shirt instead of long sleeves. It stuck to his skin with sweat; he must have jogged over instead of walking.

"You look good," Tyler blurted out, and his cheeks flamed red. Oh, if only the Tyler of the past could see him now. He'd probably wonder if he'd lost his mind.

Josh didn't even say anything, he just grabbed the front of Tyler's sweater--causing the boy to blush further--and then pulled him in for a kiss.

A/N: *awkward coughing*

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