// 15. "I Am Not A Fuckboy!" //

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// TRIGGER WARNING: Language, obviously //

Forehead was apparently very hungry. He had Tyler order two cheeseburgers, a medium fries, a McFlurry, and a cookie all for himself. Since Tyler had stolen his seat, he felt that he probably did owe him at least that much. Thankfully, he did have just enough money left over to buy himself a salad.

He had planned on the walk to the fast food joint to sit by himself, but Forehead encouraged Tyler to sit with the group, and so he did. Forehead, as he wolfed down his first cheeseburger, proceeded to introduce himself as Brendon, and then introduce his friends.

Frank was shorter than the others, but the toughest-looking. He had black hair, sort of stringy, and a dark sort of look in his eyes. Tyler definitely wasn't about to mess with him.

Pete had short blonde hair, which looked like it had probably been dyed that way, considering he had brown roots. Tyler wasn't sure, but he thought he saw just a hint of eyeliner under his eyes.

Gerard was the boy sitting next to Tyler, who was at the very edge of the table. He had short black hair, similar to Frank's, but thicker. He was definitely wearing mascara, probably some eyeliner too. He carried a notebook with him, the cover coated with doodles and drawings.

And lastly, Josh, the boy with the dark blue hair. At least now Tyler knew his name.

"So," Brendon said after he'd named his friends for Tyler, "tell me about yourself." He rested his elbows on the table and put his chin in his hands.

Tyler lowered his head back to his salad, feeling confused. A mix of orange and yellow. "Why?"

"You seem interesting," Brendon said with a smile.

Frank snorted lightly, sipping his soda. "He'll fuck anything on two legs."

"Hey!" Brendon shoved Frank's shoulder, a little harder than a friend would. "I am not a fuckboy!"

"Don't deny it, Urie," Pete teased. "You've gone out with almost every girl in our grade, and a lot of the boys, too."

"I thought he was into Dallon from English class," Gerard said, not looking up from his notebook. He appeared to be drawing comics.

"I kind of thought he liked Ryan from American History," Josh commented.

"I like exploring my options, okay?" Brendon finished his first cheeseburger and got started on his second. "So, tell me about yourself, seat-stealer." He looked to Tyler expectantly. 

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