// 68. Weary, Perhaps? //

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In the end, it was fine: Jenna agreed to come over to Tyler's house that Saturday for dinner, and they could study after. Tyler had been worried that she'd be homophobic, but as it turned out, she was totally fine with it; one of her cousins was apparently gay, so she didn't mind. She understood the situation, and she needed a study buddy anyway, so it all worked itself out.

After leaving the library, Tyler found Josh waiting outside the school gates, and they walked home together. This time, they held hands again, and everything felt considerably better.

By the time the weekend rolled around, though, Tyler was nervous again. He wished that Josh could come over along with Jenna, to coax him into calming down. Josh could probably coax him into anything.

Jenna arrived at Tyler's house at about five thirty; Tyler was the one to open the front door when she knocked. She was wearing a pale blue dress with small white flowers along the bottom, her characteristic yellow backpack over her shoulder. She looked nice, and Tyler told her so.

Before Jenna could say anything, Tyler's father appeared in the doorway. "Ah, Tyler! This must be Jenna, correct?"

Jenna promptly shook his outstretched hand. "That's me."

"Nice to meet you, young lady." Tyler hadn't seen his dad smile like this in what had seemed like ages. "You're just in time, dinner's ready."

He led the way down the hallway towards the dining room, and, not knowing what else to do, Tyler followed, with Jenna at his heels.

Tyler's family was already in the dining room, his siblings putting condiments on their burgers. Mrs. Joseph was just taking a seat at the table. "You must be Jenna," she said, giving the girl a smile that was--weary, perhaps? A faded orange-yellow.

The Josephs, and Jenna, all sat at the table and ate in near silence. Occasionally, one of Tyler's parents would try to make small talk with Jenna, which she would reciprocate, but she never really tried to initiate a conversation of her own, or go too far into the one that they had started.

Tyler kept glancing up at his mother throughout the meal. She knew Tyler didn't like Jenna the way Tyler's father clearly thought he did; she obviously hadn't told him about Tyler and Josh together in the garage that rainy day.

So many questions were running through Tyler's mind. Why hadn't she spoken to Tyler about this? Did she know Jenna was here only as a friend?

And perhaps most importantly: why did she seem determined to keep Tyler's relationship with Josh a secret?

A/N: This is an actual picture of me when you guys request new chapters

A/N: This is an actual picture of me when you guys request new chapters

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