// 9. The (Almost) Great Unknown //

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Before too long into his bike ride, Tyler had made into an area of town which had significantly fewer houses, and significantly more businesses. He stopped at a McDonald's to use their WiFi, but he felt bad about practically stealing their internet access, so he bought himself a soda.

The Dr. Pepper gave Tyler a pleasing yellow feeling as he drank it. He didn't get much soda at home, so this was a special treat.

Using the fast food joint's WiFi and a handy little app known as Google Maps, Tyler was actually able to find an art store nearby. After scanning over the map several times so as to memorize the route, Tyler finished his soda and hopped back on his bike, heading back out into the (almost) great unknown.

After about ten more minutes, Tyler found the art store, a small, neat-looking place called Blick Art Materials. After chaining his bike to the rack outside, he headed in.

Tyler's first impression was that the store sold plenty of things he didn't entirely consider art supplies. There were books about doodling, complicated coloring books, construction paper kits, and a whole fill-in book about sharpies on the bookshelf by the door.

"Hi, welcome to Blick! Can I help you find anything?" an employee called from the register.

"No, thank you," Tyler responded. He preferred to discover things on his own.

After about fifteen minutes, Tyler had given the store a once-over. They seemed to sell anything an artistically creative person could need for their respective way of work; whether you were interested in sketching, scrapbooking, painting, miniature scenery, woodworking, or sculpting, there were plenty of supplies for you.

Tyler eventually found some red paint in his favorite brand and was pleased to see that it was slightly cheaper than it had been at his old art supply shop. Probably because Blick was a chain instead of a local thing.

"Will that be all, sir?" the employee behind the register asked as Tyler handed over his tube of paint. He felt a little embarrassed to be called 'sir'.

"Yeah, that'll be it." Tyler paid for his paint, went back out to his bike, hooked the plastic bag on his handlebar, and set off for home. It was time to get back to work.

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