// 65. Feeling Lime Green //

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Well. Clearly, Tyler's mother hadn't told his father about that afternoon in the garage, nor the conversation they'd had after. This puzzled him, briefly--a faint orange color. Why would she keep it to herself? His parents had always had a good relationship, and as far as Tyler knew, they always told each other everything.

"How about the opposite sex?" Tyler's father put an arm around his son's shoulder. "Any special girl in your life?"

Tyler shook his head.

"Not even one you like?" His father's brown furrowed.

It was clear that if Tyler didn't make something up, he'd only disappoint his father further. "I mean, I guess there's this one girl." His mind quickly ran through the list of girls in his school, and randomly selected one from his English class. "Jenna."

His father's face relaxed again, and he patted Tyler on the back. "Maybe invite her over for dinner sometime, yeah? Get to know her better?"

This conversation was easily turning into a train wreck. Weakly, Tyler nodded. "Okay."

"Good. Maybe this Saturday," he added with a hint of encouragement in his voice, standing up. "I'm grilling burgers."

Tyler nodded again, his heart sinking.

His father ruffled the hair on his son's head, and then left the room.

At least he hadn't tried to convince him to join the basketball team again.

Tyler leaned back on his bed, sighing a bit and feeling lime green. He didn't know how he was going to get himself out of this one. He couldn't refuse to invite Jenna over, his dad would get suspicious. Maybe he could lie, and say he invited her, but that she declined?

He was certainly going to have to talk to Josh about this, one way or another. Tyler looked at his phone, sitting on his pillow, and thought about calling him.

Then again, he knew his lover was busy. The only reason that he hadn't gone over to Josh's house, or that Josh hadn't come over to his, was because Josh's grandparents were coming over for dinner that night.

Well. There was always tomorrow.

A/N: I was searching for lime green aesthetic pictures for the chapter header but I accidentally typed 'gren' instead
"What's your favorite color?"

Colors // JoshlerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt