// 18. What Was Different And What Was The Same //

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Tyler wasn't used to walking home with someone. Normally, he would mentally plan his next painting or listen to his earbuds, or just think. With Josh, he couldn't really do any of those things, lest he come across as rude.

He wasn't used to talking with someone, either, especially someone he didn't know. They walked in quiet for about a block in almost total silence.

"I like your hair," Tyler finally blurted out. And it was true; he found Josh's hair color creative, and interesting. He'd seen people with dyed hair, sure, but nothing this vivid. Blue was his favorite color, and this particular shade was growing on him.

Before Tyler could worry about what he'd just said, and whether it was the right thing to say, Josh gave him a grin. "Thanks. School says we're not supposed to dye our hair, but I did towards the end of summer break, and it was still blue when school started." Josh shrugged slightly. "I offered to shave it off, but apparently that would have been bad too. So instead I come into school early three days a week, and I help out with anything the teachers need before classes."

Tyler took a moment before responding. "I'm sorry, Josh."

"It's okay," Josh said, and his slightly crooked grin reappeared. "It's not detention, at least."

After that, the two boys slowly warmed up to one another, taking turns asking questions about the other. Tyler asked Josh about school, and the neighborhood, while Josh asked Tyler questions about Tyler's life on the other side of Columbus, and what was different and what was the same. Occasionally, Josh would ask what Tyler considered to be a slightly more personal question, like what music he was into, and what he did in his spare time. 

"I like painting," Tyler admitted, which was a massive understatement. He didn't know why he was telling Josh any of this.

"That's cool, what do you paint?" Josh zipped up his jacket as he walked; it was getting colder out.

Truthfully, Tyler painted almost anything that captured what he was feeling--scenes from in real life, things he thought would look interesting on canvas, different takes on things he experienced. He only painted things that had purpose and meaning to him.

"A little bit of everything," was all he said.

Soon, Tyler and Josh arrived at Tyler's new house. His mom's car wasn't in the driveway, neither was his dad's; obviously, his father was at work, but he didn't know where his mother had gone. Shopping, maybe.

"Is this it?" Josh asked, having stopped as Tyler did.

"Yeah." Tyler took a step into his new driveway, then paused and turned back to Josh. "Thanks for walking home with me."

Josh smiled and nodded. "No problem. I like you, Tyler. You're a cool guy." He started walking down the street again, presumably in the direction of his own home. "See you tomorrow?"

Tyler waved slightly as he walked up to the front door. "See you tomorrow." 

Colors // JoshlerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin