// 82. The Reflection Of Josh //

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Tyler was awoken at eight the next morning when sunlight streamed through the window, landing on the bed where he and Josh had slept last night. He felt slightly worn, a faint gray-brown, but when he realized that his body was tangled up with that of his lover's, he relaxed back into a honey yellow.

Josh was awake, too, and he seemed to relax as well as Tyler nuzzled into his arm. "'Morning."

"'Morning." Tyler snuggled closer as Josh wrapped an arm around him.

The two boys had school, and families, and responsibilities. Still, they dozed for a little while, taking some time to rest. They'd been up a bit late last night, kissing, and talking, and cuddling until they could no longer stay awake.

Eventually, though, they had to get up. Josh was the first to do so, pecking Tyler's cheek and promising to come back after taking a quick shower. Tyler didn't mind too much; the blankets were still warm and cozy, so he just dozed off again once his lover was gone.

When Josh returned, the warmth that had been on his face earlier had vanished. "Tyler, your mom's here."

The other boy sat up, suddenly awake. "What?"

"She and Grandma are having coffee and tea in the kitchen." Josh rubbed the back of his neck. "She says she wants to see you."

Tyler didn't really know what to feel. Anger? Sadness? Panic? Slowly, as if trying to drag out the time, he put on some clean clothes. He brushed his teeth and hair in the bathroom, as well as washed his face, but he felt something as he looked into the mirror...lavender.

He didn't want to go down there alone.

But then the reflection of Josh appeared in the mirror, and he slipped his hands into Tyler's, squeezing it slightly. "Ready?"

Tyler squeezed back, and just a bit of the honey yellow feeling from earlier returned. "Yeah."

They went downstairs together, still holding hands, and it felt good to not have to hide it. Mrs. Dun and Mrs. Joseph were talking, but when Tyler's mother heard the stairs creak, she quickly stood up from her chair, approaching her son and wrapping him in a tight hug.

Embarrassment flashed through Tyler. "Mom, I can't breathe."

"Sorry, sorry." She let go of him. "I was just so worried, Tyler."

"I left a note!"

"I know. I'm your mother, it's an occupational hazard." She looked him over. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just needed to get out for a little bit, I guess." He rubbed his arm, and Josh took his hand again.

"Can you...come home?" she asked, almost carefully, as if afraid to scare him. "You're not in trouble, I promise. We just want you to come home."


"We." Mrs. Joseph nodded a bit. Was that a hint of a smile on her face? "What do you say?"

Tyler glanced at his lover. He liked this house, and he liked Josh's grandparents, but he knew he couldn't stay here forever; it was never truly a part of the plan. "Okay."

"Let's get going, then." Mrs. Joseph turned to Josh's grandmother. "Thank you again, Mrs. Dun, for making sure he was safe."

As the two adults talked for a moment longer, Tyler and Josh stepped back a bit, the former leaing into the latter's shoulder.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Josh asked, concern in his eyes.

Tyler looked at the people in front of him, and watched his mother and Mrs. Dun shake hands. "I guess we'll find out."

A/N: So guys, I gotta ask you something--what do you want from new Colors content? Tyler's POV, Josh's POV, or third person? Do you want any other characters to appear or have bigger parts? What would you like to see more or less of? Any thoughts are appreciated!

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