// 30. It's Not Bad Weird //

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All the way home, thoughts kept bubbling in Tyler's head, like a witches' brew; blue-green. They weren't bad thoughts, however--just thoughts about Josh, his possibility as a muse.

All too soon they had arrived at Tyler's house. Though he tried hard, he really did, the thoughts kept bothering him, urging him to take action.

"Come in with me," Tyler blurted out, just to quiet his head.

Josh titled his head to one side slightly. "What?"

"Come inside with me," Tyler said, as awkward as it was to say a second time. "We can hang out, or talk, or study."

Lavender anxiety crept its way up Tyler's spine as he waited for Josh to say no, but the blue-haired boy just smiled, his confused look gone. "Sure, let me just text my mom and let her know." Josh pulled his phone out of his pocket. Tyler couldn't help admiring the case, which was decorated to look like it was patterned with stars.

After texting for a heartbeat, Josh slipped his phone back into his pocket, and smiled at Tyler again. "She said it's cool, I just have to be back by nine."

Tyler led the way up the walk and to the front door, strongly aware that Josh was right behind him. The door was locked, and as Tyler pulled out his key, he felt a strange sense of relief that his family wasn't here. He felt like they would pepper him with questions about his friend, especially considering his usual lack of them.

Ruby was nowhere to be seen as Tyler and Josh entered the house; she had the uncanny ability to know when there was a stranger present, and she always hid until she was ready to come and greet the guest herself.

"Nice place," Josh said simply.

"Thanks. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Tyler put his keys back in his pocket.

"Nah, I'm good."

Tyler nodded to Josh, then paused. He wasn't entirely sure where he should bring Josh. The living room was certainly appropriate, but once his family arrived home from school, work, and wherever his mother was, they'd be around too. Though it was a little silly, Tyler felt like Josh was his. His friend, not his family's. Over-protectiveness, as it turned out, was reddish-orange.

Eventually, Tyler led Josh upstairs to his bedroom, hoping that it was something normal people did when they brought friends over.

The blue-haired boy looked around the room, squinting slightly. Something about it sparked the unfamiliar feeling that Tyler always got from him. "Is this your room?"

"Yeah." Tyler didn't have any chairs or couches, and the window seat was taken up by his easel. Before Tyler could decided whether to clear some space on the window seat or timidly suggest they sit on the edge of his bed, Josh sat on the floor.

"You don't have to sit on the floor, I can--" Tyler started.

"No, it's totally fine. I actually sit on the floor a lot." Josh gave Tyler a lopsided grin. "I know it's weird, but I like it."

"It's not bad weird." Tyler sat on the floor too, across from Josh, and they both smiled.

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