// 43. Probably Horror Movies //

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After quickly making a piece of toast, Tyler left the house. His mother had been in the kitchen, drinking coffee, but she hadn't looked up from her newspaper.

The air outside seemed especially chilly to Tyler, probably because his hair was still damp from his shower. He was glad he'd brought his coat.

The bad feeling was still there, but maybe it was less awful than before. Being outdoors, with the fresh air and the faint sunlight, made Tyler feel a little better.

He studied the world around him as he walked to school, noting in particular an ancient oak tree full of crows. Tyler had always been fond of crows, because they were different from other birds. He might try to paint them later.

The clique was hanging around just outside the school doors as Tyler entered the yard. Brendon was leaning against the wall with Frank, while Gerard was seated at Frank's feet, a comic book in his lap. Pete was standing in front of the group, seeming to be arguing with Brendon about something. Probably horror movies; Tyler knew that Pete, Frank, and Brendon all enjoyed them. Josh was absent. It was probably one of his days to work inside with the teachers.

For the past week, Tyler had avoided Josh and the clique, but today, he found himself walking over to them.

Brendon grinned and winked at Tyler as he approached, which made Frank smile and shove Brendon's shoulder. Pete just gave Tyler a nod and kept talking.

Since Tyler didn't much feel like talking himself, he sat on the ground next to Gerard. Once Pete had finished his rant, however, Brendon spoke up.

"So, Tyler, you weren't at the dance last night," he said, turning his body to face the other boy. "At least, I didn't see you. You chicken out?"

Tyler felt pale orange. Brendon didn't know what he and Josh had done, did he? Josh probably wouldn't have told him, but if Josh had seemed like he was hiding something, Brendon could have pried it out of him.

He didn't know what to say, but thankfully, a familiar voice swooped in before he could make something up.

"He was with me."

Tyler lifted his head to see Josh coming out of the school, closing the door behind him. He was wearing his dark gray jacket over his school uniform, and his blue hair seemed just as untamed as it had last night. His eyes were on Tyler, but his gaze wasn't harsh or upset, as Tyler had feared it would be.

Tyler swallowed, and looked down at the ground.

Brendon raised a brow. "Is that so?"

"Yeah." Josh leaned against the wall next to Frank, so that Tyler was sitting at his feet. "He'd never been to a dance before, so he was nervous, and I decided to keep him company." Josh put his hands in his pockets. "We hung out together in the library until he had to go home."

A teasing grin came across Brendon's face. "And by 'hung out together', you mean--"

Josh shoved Brendon's shoulder, causing Frank and Pete to laugh. "I mean we hung out together, Bren."

Brendon gave Josh and Tyler another grin before leaning against the wall again. "Whatever you say, Josh. Whatever you say."

As the other boys started a new conversation, Tyler lifted his gaze from the ground to look at Josh again, who was still looking at him. 'Thank you', Tyler mouthed silently to him.

With a smile that was almost blue, Josh mouthed back. 'No problem.'

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