// 48. Very Brief Conversation //

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Partially gay, in the least.

He learned this when, after a brief lull in the conversation, Jordan asked a question. He said completely seriously, with no joking tone to his voice.

"Is Tyler your boyfriend?"

Tyler, startled, dropped his fork onto his plate, his mouth full of enchiladas. Josh laughed a little, but he ducked his head, and there was a blush on his face. "No, no, Tyler's just my friend."

Somehow, hearing him say it gave Tyler a blue pang.

Anyway, the very brief conversation had taught Tyler that being gay was perfectly fine in the Dun house. Mrs. Dun hadn't flinched when her younger son asked the abovementioned question, and Ashley and Abigail hadn't seemed to care, either.

After eating, Tyler and Josh had gone back up to Josh's room again, to continue their episode of Stranger Things, although both of their minds were on something else. A few minutes into the show, Josh had paused it, and paused to look at Tyler.

"Hey...I'm sorry about what Jordan said back there." The blue-haired boy lowered his eyes.

"It's okay." Tyler blushed and lowered his eyes, before looking back up at Josh. Both boys had brown eyes, but Tyler found Josh's so much more interesting. They were warm and coffee-colored, and often slightly squinted in a way, Tyler realized, that was simply wonderful.

Josh lifted his eyes up, too, and the two boys just stared, like they'd never seen one another before.

When it came to decisions, Tyler was definitely a thinker rather than someone who rushed in. He always thought deeply on any choice he had to make, no matter how trivial it might be.

But this time, his mind was a little bit overcome with something else.

The smaller boy found himself leaning in, closer and closer, until his lips were touching Josh's.

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