// 67. Visually Uncomfortable Mix //

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Tyler glanced up from his desk as the school bell rang sharply, a red-blue sound. He put his things in his backpack along with the other students, looking around the room quickly and seeing that Jenna was already gone.

He frowned, and quickly gathered up the rest of his things into his bag, leaving his final class of the day to join teh sea of students in the hallway.

Fortunately, he was able to spot Jenna by her yellow backpack, and he caught up to her outside her locker. "Um, hey."

Jenna closed the locker. She had blonde hair a bit past her shoulders, and clear blue eyes. She was naturally pretty, it was certain, but Tyler's mind was already on someone else. "Hi."

It was at this point that Tyler realized he had absolutely no idea what to say to her.

The plan, originally, was just to invite her over without explaning too much, but at this moment, Tyler realized that was far too close to leading her on, and he didn't want to do that. "Um, can I talk to you? Somewhere private?"

Jenna looked like a mixture of confused and suspicious, a visually uncomfortable mix of orange and pale green. "Sure."

The two waited for a moment for the halls to clear up, then made their way to the library. The school library was usually open for an hour or two after classes had formally ended, for students who wanted or needed extra study time.

They sat at a desk together in the back of the library, Tyler on one chair and Jenna on another.

"So, what's up?" Jenna pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face.

It was a risk, but Tyler told her the truth.

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