// 75. "This Is Trespassing" //

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When they finally broke apart, Tyler was crying. This was all so overwhelming--he felt so much guilt for what he and Josh had done, and then there they were, doing it again! And he wanted to do it again, too. How could this be happening?

Josh just held Tyler tightly as he cried, like he was trying to keep all the smashed pieces together, like he was the strong one for both of them, but Tyler knew. He could feel Josh's wet tears in his hair.

They stayed that way for who knows how long, just holding one another and being close to one another. Slowly, they steadied, anchoring one another to what was real, and the tears stopped.

Tyler sniffled, opening his eyes. He'd gotten tears all over Josh's jacket. "I'm sorry." He didn't know what he was apologizing for.

"I'm sorry too," Josh sighed. He rubbed Tyler's cheekbone with his thumb, and this slightly soothed the latter, making him close his eyes again.

"We shouldn't be here," Tyler said, after a moment. "This is trespassing."

Josh shook his head, blue curls almost slightly damp, although whether from sweat or humidity, Tyler didn't know. "My grandparents live here."

Tyler blinked. "Really?"

His lover smiled at him in a weary but kind way. "Yeah. You wanna come inside?"

"I should be at school..." he said, although the thought seemed to wear him down again.

"So should I," Josh commented, absent-mindedly rubbing Tyler's cheekbone again. "But I don't think either of us is fit for it today." And Tyler knew, immediately, that he was right.

"Won't they be mad?" he asked. "I mean, do they know...about us?" 

"It's okay. They know."

Josh carefully took Tyler's hand, a question in his eyes, and Tyler nodded softly. The two headed around to the front of the house, and Josh pulled a key from the ring in his pocket, letting them in.

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