// 60. Tell Me What Happened //

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Tyler woke up earlier than usual the next morning, and texted Josh to ask him to pick him up early. It only took him fifteen minutes to get dressed, and he was out the door before even his parents were awake.

Josh didn't ring the doorbell when he got to Tyler's house; he texted him to let him know he was out front. Tyler snuck out the side door to meet him.

Their lips met immediately, and they held each other tightly as they kissed. It was intense, but brief. Josh pulled back first, and he stared into Tyler's face.

"What happened?" he asked, and Tyler felt a brief flash of guilt. Josh had probably been worrying about yesterday's events all night and maybe even into the morning. Still, he was reluctant to talk about it. 

"Can I tell you when we get to school?" Tyler bit his bottom lip nervously, then glanced up at Josh again.

Josh leaned in and kissed him again, softer, and then pulled away with a nod.

They walked to school together under the soft sunlight of the early morning. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, but it was almost bitterly cold, and Tyler regretted not bringing his gloves. He held extra tightly onto Josh's hand as they walked, for reassurance. Neither boy spoke once.

The clique wasn't at school yet, since it was extra early, so Josh brought Tyler inside. Today would normally be one of teh days where he would have to help out a teacher, but luckily, there wasn't really anything to do that morning. The librarian, Ms. Ballato, was kind enough to let the boys inside the small library, on the promise that they would be quiet.

They sat on a navy blue bench against the back wall, shoulders pressed together. Typically, they wouldn't have been so affectionate with one another inside the school building, but there wasn't anyone else in the library yet. Well, save for Ms. Ballato, but she was busy at her desk.

After a few moments of silence, Josh brought Tyler's hand to his lips. "Tell me what happened," he said, gently.

"After you left, I went inside." Tyler leaned into Josh's shoulder. "We sat at the kitchen table, and she asked about us."

"What did she say?"

"'You're too young to be experimenting'."

Josh flinched.

"I'm not," Tyler promised quickly, squeezing Josh's hand. "Experimenting, I mean." 

Josh seemed to relax again, and he squeezed Tyler's hand in return. "Then what happened?"

"Then she said that she wants us to be just friends." A heavy blue feeling, the color of the bench they were sitting on, filled Tyler's chest like water. "We have to have the door open when you come over now, and I can't go to your house unless your mom or dad is home."

"Was she mean about it at all?"

"No," Tyler admitted. "She just said I'm too young to be gay right now."

A dark, almost angry look came into Josh's face, and it was the first time Tyler had ever seen him like that. "That's awful. You're not too young to know what you want." His gaze softened again. "I wish she understood that."

"Me, too," Tyler whispered. Josh simply held him close.

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