// 80. It Was Like Tyler's Heart Was A Birdcage //

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"What happened?" Mrs. Dun asked, turning on the light in the kitchen. Most of the lamps were off, although there was a small one next to the big chair by the window, with a book sitting face-up next to it. Josh's grandmother had likely been reading when she saw or heard Tyler outside.

"I kind of..." Tyler paused. "I gave my parents a speech, I guess. I told them I wasn't going to be sorry for being straight anymore."

"Did they kick you out?" Her face was riddled with concern.

"I left." Tyler sat at the kitchen table.

"Did you let them know you were leaving?"

"I left a note," Tyler recalled. He'd scribbled something about going to stay with Josh for the night on a notecard, and left it on the counter for his mom to find. She had been the less angry of the two of his parents, and so he hopes that maybe she wouldn't freak out and call the police.

"Alright." Mrs. Dun nodded slightly. "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat."

The boy shook his head. "No, thank you. I'm just tired."

"Joshua's room is yours, then. If you need any extra blankets or anything, just let me know. Would you like me to call him, let him know you're safe? He was rather concerned when you left earlier."

"I'll call him, if that's okay." Tyler took a step up the stairs. "Thank you, Mrs. Dun. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Tyler." The woman smiled at him, and Tyler smiled back wearily before heading up to Josh's room.

It was darker upstairs, but he was able to find his way in. Shutting the door behind him, he took his wallet and phone and set them on the dresser, kicking off his shoes and carefully climbing into the bed. He sat up slightly against the wall and wrapped the comforter around him to get cozy. He was feeling just a tiny bit warm, so he took off Josh's hoodie, but having it near him made him feel safe, so he held it in his lap as he called his lover.

After three rings, Josh picked up, voice cracking slightly. "Tyler?"

"Yeah, it's me." Tyler shuffled his sock-clad feet under the blankets. "I'm at your grandparents' house."

He heard the shuffling of blankets from the other end of the line. "What? Why? Are you okay?"

"I kind of told off my parents..." Tyler trailed off. "I just couldn't be there anymore, I guess. I'm okay."

"I'm coming over, alright?" More rustling sounds. "I'm getting dressed, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"You don't have to," Tyler said quickly. This was true, although he really did need the comfort and reassurance that only Josh seemed to be able to give him these days. "I just wanted to let you know I'm okay."

"Too late, I'm leaving." The jingling of keys. "See you soon. I love you."

Tyler blinked in surprise, feeling his icy bones defrost just a little. "I love you, too."

Josh hung up, and Tyler laid back on the bed. A sudden clap of thunder brought his attention to the window, and he sat up, looking out. It was starting to rain; big, heavy drops splashing down on the garden outside. Briefly, Tyler remembered the day he and Josh first said 'I love you' to one another; Josh had said something about the rain being the sky's catharsis.

This thunderstorm, this night, felt like a catharsis to Tyler. He'd told his parents what he had to say, and that was that. It was like Tyler's chest was a birdcage, and by being open and honest, he'd let all those bright birds fly out free.

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