// 38. The Human Version Of A Storm Cloud //

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Thankfully, the dance wasn't as formal as it could have been. Boys were required to wear a tie, and girls were required to wear skirts. But at least Tyler wouldn't have to pull his funeral suit out of the back of his closet.

Instead, on the night of the dance, Tyler chose to wear a plain gray button-up and black tie, with the nice black pants and shoes that he normally wore to school. Looking in the mirror once he was dressed, Tyler noted that he looked like the human version of a storm cloud. He felt kind of stormy gray, really; it was fine.

Upon heading downstairs, Tyler was greeted by his mother in the hallway, who looked puzzled at her son's dressier attire. "Where are you off to?"

Tyler didn't feel like explaining everything, and he felt that if he told her he was going to a dance, she'd want to take pictures or something, or ask him if he had a date. "School thing," he said vaguely.

Luckily, Tyler's mother was clearly busy with something else, because she walked off without another glance. "Okay. Text me when you get there."

Tyler nodded, then disappeared out the door. The sun was just starting to go down, and Tyler knew that by the time the dance was over, it would be dark. He'd need a ride home.

Now that he'd finally admitted to himself how much he missed Josh, Tyler was almost desperate to see him. He walked quickly, in part because of this, and also because he was not fond of getting mugged. It was becoming eerily dark out.

Once he'd arrived at school, he stopped just outside the front door, texting his mother to let her knew he'd arrived as planned. She didn't text back, however; she was probably busy. Tyler couldn't wait around for her response, because he was feeling intensely red. He didn't want to talk to Josh, he needed to.

Tyler reached out to open the school door, then stopped.

What would he even say to Josh? How could he explain? he'd have to mention the pink feeling, and Tyler was pretty sure most people didn't explain emotions with colors...and besides, he wasn't sure if the pink feeling was a right one.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Maybe he should just go home.

Colors // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now