// 76. Polite And Welcoming Attitude //

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Tyler was only slightly surprised to see what he presumed to be Josh's grandfather at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. He looked up as the two boys entered the house, seeming a tiny bit puzzled, but not unwelcoming. "Joshua? What are you doing here?" He set down his mug. "And who's your friend?"

Tyler had been just hidden behind his lover, feeling nervous, but Josh lightly pulled him forward with a reassuring squeeze of his hand. "Grandpa, this is my boyfriend, Tyler."

A warm smile broke out on the man's face. "Ah, the infamous Tyler Joseph!" Josh's grandfather got up from his chair and approached, shaking Tyler's hand. "It's good to finally meet you, young man. Joshua talks about you all the time." (A/N: *slams hands on table* I STAN GRANDPA DUN)

Tyler couldn't help but smile a bit at the man's polite and welcoming attitude, and he snuck a glance at Josh. "Is that so?" The other boy nudged his shoulder lightly, smiling as well.

"So, what brings you boys here at this time of the morning?" Josh's grandfather questioned. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

The mood quickly darkened in the room as both boys lowered their eyes, neither one saying a word.

"I can see that it's serious," Mr. Dun said with a slight frown, turning towards the kitchen again. "Well, come on, sit down and have some coffee, and we can talk about it."

True to his word, he brewed another pot of coffee, pouring some into two cups and letting the boys do what they wished with it. Tyler wasn't normally a coffee drinker--it didn't seem to wake him up like it did for others, and he wasn't a huge fan of the taste--but he put some creamer in it and sipped it slowly anyway, just so he could have something in his stomach.

"The other day," he said, quietly, and Mr. Dun looked at him expectantly. "My parents, they saw me and Josh, you know, together." He paused, taking another sip of the coffee. "My dad was really mad. He, um, he wouldn't let me leave the house until today. He said I can't be around with Josh anymore, or I'll get in serious trouble." He blinked a few times, not wanting to cry again.

The frown on Mr. Dun's face deepened. "I'm sorry, Tyler. That's awful, it really is."

"Can we stay here?" Josh blurted out. "Please, just for the day?"

Josh's grandfather looked at the table, stirred his coffee, and sighed. "Well, I can't imagine the past few days have been easy, especially for you, Tyler. I suppose you can stay here, just for today. But I can't condone you boys skipping school without saying anything. I'll call your teachers, and tell them you won't be in today."

"Thank you, Grandpa," Josh said gratefully. The air seemed to thin out a little, and Tyler let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"Don't mention it." The old man stood up from his chair again, his smile partially returned to his face. "Have you boys had breakfast?"

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