// 33. Clearly No Ordinary Person //

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After eating dinner, Tyler and Josh went back upstairs to Tyler's room. The two boys talked about their separate families, and their hobbies. Josh apparently wrote poetry, and he promised to show some of it to Tyler sometime.

"Do you ever show anyone your paintings?" he questioned. He was laying on the floor, which for an ordinary person, would have been awkward at best. Josh, however, was clearly no ordinary person.

To Tyler, honestly, Josh was kind of extraordinary.

He shrugged in response to Josh's question. "I never have before." He was sitting against the wall with his knees pulled up to his chest, and his arms wrapped around them.

"That's cool. I don't share all of my poetry, either."

The two boys were quiet for a moment. An idea did not spark in Tyler's head, or let itself be known. He just chose to acknowledge it.

Standing, Tyler went over to his closet, and opened the door. Reaching up, he grasped the plain, slightly worn cardboard box that held his paintings, and he pulled it off the shelf, closing the door again and setting the box on the floor.

Josh sat up from the floor. "What's this?"

Was Tyler foolish to show a boy his barely knew every great painting he had ever crafted? Oh, most definitely. Tyler was not one for rash decisions, but perhaps this one wasn't quite as rash as it seemed. It had been in the very corner of his mind for days, though he'd not thought about it in depth.

There was no denying the strange connection Tyler felt that he had with Josh. It was unfurling like a scroll, revealing new information, questions, and answers.

"It's my paintings." Tyler unfolded the first flap of the box.

Josh suddenly grasped Tyler's arm, just above his wrist. The pink feeling rose up sharply and quickly, making Tyler's heart flutter.

"You don't have to show me," Josh said. His eyes were sincere into they looked into Tyler's; the blue-haired boy must have understood the unspoken rule among all artists, writers, and creators: taht some works are best kept to oneself.

"I know," Tyler responded. For some reason, he felt like he should be whispering. "I want to."

"Okay." Josh took his hand back, and watched with curious, soft brown eyes as Tyler opened the box.

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