// 29. Pairs Of Either Friends Or Lovers //

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The next morning, Tyler went to school even earlier than usual, feeling red. Red, to Tyler, could be a color meaning anger, like most people would expect. But every color could have multiple meanings, just like a word or expression.

The red Tyler felt that day wasn't the dark red of anger, but a burning, bright red. It was a general feeling of intensity.

He needed to talk to Josh, and the intense red feeling seemed to consume him. He hurried through his morning routine and ran out the door without eating breakfast. Walking quickly to school, Tyler arrived before he knew it.

"Somebody's in a hurry," Brendon commented as Tyler approached. The clique was just outside the school's front doors, as per usual, before classes began. Brendon was leaning against the wall with Pete, while Frank and Gerard sat together on the ground, Gerard's hank on Frank's shoulder. Josh was nowhere to be seen, and suddenly, Tyler remembered that today was one of the days where the blue-haired boy had to help out the teachers.

"Yeah," Tyler said, reluctant to talk to them about the gift and the muse idea. His reluctance, however, seemed to be fine with the others, because the subject was changed.

Time went on. The intense red feeling faded to an unpleasant dark gray. Tyler saw Josh in a few of his classes, but they didn't get a chance to talk until the bell rang for lunch.

Once they were out of the school, Tyler and Josh fell into the back like they usually did. The clique seemed to be composed of either friends or lovers, Tyler noticed--Pete and Brendon were best friends, and Gerard and Frank were lovers. Tyler and Josh were friends, surely, and Tyler kept hoping that they would grow to be best friends.

Tyler wanted to talk to Josh badly, but with the others around, it didn't feel right. The paint was Josh's gift to Tyler alone, not to everyone, and Tyler wanted to thank Josh personally for it.

Once school had ended, they walked home together. Finally, the others were gone, and Tyler felt more comfortable; a gentle golden yellow.

"Thank you for the paint," he said finally. It sounded like it wasn't enough, so Tyler gave his friend a smile to go with it.

A smile flashed across Josh's face too. "Of course, I'm glad you like it. Have you painted anything with it yet?" 

Tyler shook his head. "No. I usually don't go looking for ideas, I just let them come to me. They turn out better that way." Tyler glanced to the sidewalk, then back to Josh, deep in thought.

All artists had muses, didn't they? Would it be so strange if Josh was Tyler's?

Colors // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now