// "13. It's Cool, He Can Have It" //

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Quickly, Tyler looked back to his desk, his face flushed red. He tended to blush when startled or embarrassed, and he hated it.

It was the boy from the pizza restaurant on Saturday, Tyler was almost sure of it. The hair was the exact same shade, a dark, stormy blue that reminded Tyler of the bottom of the ocean. Trying to be discreet, Tyler lifted his eyes from his desk again to look at the boy.

His blue hair was his most noticeable feature, of course. He wore the same uniform as all the other boys, with a warm-looking dark gray jacket hanging on his desk chair. His eyes were dark brown, slightly squinted as he looked at the teacher at the head of the class. Tyler felt a strange, unfamiliar feeling fluttering in his stomach, but before he could figure out what it was, the teacher spoke for the first time, drawing his attention away from the blue-haired boy.

"Good morning, class," the teacher announced, pencil in hand. A few students mumbled their greetings, but nobody seemed very enthusiastic about it.

"In case any of you are still asleep, we have a new student with us today," the teacher went on, looking directly at Tyler. The purple feeling he'd had this morning quickly filled his chest again, and it made his stomach twist.

"Go on, stand up," the teacher instructed, though there was a sympathetic look in his eyes. Swallowing, Tyler stood, aware of everyone's eyes on him.

"Mr. Joseph, correct?"

Slowly, Tyler nodded. "Yes, sir."

"I'm Mr. Armstrong, welcome to your first class here." The teacher raised a brow slightly. "Were you aware of the assigned seating arrangement?"

A few students chuckled, and Tyler started to sweat. "No, sir."

"You've taken Mr. Urie's seat," Mr. Armstrong said simply. "I can point out another--"

"It's cool, he can have it," a voice chimed in directly behind Tyler. At least he knew who the student was. 

"Alright. Tyler, you can sit down." Immediately, Tyler complied. "I hope you do well with your time at this school."

As Mr. Armstrong began attendance, Tyler could feel the eyes of the boy behind him boring into his back. 

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