// 3. Turning The Knob //

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"We're here!" Tyler's mother announced, pointing out the obvious as they parked on the street outside their new house. The moving van had parked in the driveway, and both of Tyler's parents quickly hurried out to instruct the movers where to put the boxes. Tyler and his siblings followed more slowly, looking over the outside of their new home.

The lawn was green and neatly trimmed, with a young tree out front, a little over Tyler's height. The house itself was pale brown, beige brown, and it made Tyler shake his head. He would have preferred they paint the house something that would make it stand out, like red or green. Maybe his parents would want to paint it.

Maybe they'd pay Tyler to do the job, and he'd earn more money for canvases and paint.

Tyler's mother led the way into the new home. Before the promotion, she was a sort of typical mother--loving towards her family, mostly quiet, the stay at home type. But now, she seemed much more outspoken and outgoing. Was Tyler's father really making that much money?

"I'm sure you're all excited to see your new rooms upstairs," she said with a warm smile on her face. "Madison, yours is on the far left. Jay, yours is next to her, and Zack's is next to his. Tyler, yours is the last one on the right."

Tyler's three siblings scurried up the stairs in search of their respective rooms. Tyler couldn't blame them; in their old house, Jay and Zack had to share a bedroom, and Madison's room was very small. They were probably pretty happy about the whole move.

Slowly, Tyler made his way up the stairs. The house was nice, but his new room wouldn't be able to replace his attic, he was sure.

Tyler went up the stairs and down the hallway, finding a dark gray door at the very end. Turning the knob, he stepped into his new bedroom for the first time.

The whole room was big, for a bedroom, with higher ceilings. The walls were a pale, pastel yellow with white trim, making the whole room appear brighter despite the rain outside; it had good lighting for painting. Along the back of the room was a large, clear window with a window seat underneath.

Tyler carefully shut the door behind him. The whole room was deathly quiet as if waiting for him to give his judgment.

He approached the window seat slowly and sat down. It was solid wood, so not very comfortable, but he could probably scrounge up some pillows. Tyler ran his hand over the pastel yellow seat.

It wasn't the attic, but it would do the job.

// A/N: The photo at the top of this chapter is the same color as Tyler's bedroom // 

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