// 56. Running With It //

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The rain was coming down in droves, soaking both boys from their heads to their toes, but they didn't care. They didn't try to duck under a tree, or shelter themselves from the downpour with their coats.

Tyler and Josh were not running from the rain, but rather, running with it.

They laughed as they ran down the streets and sidewalks, slipping on the slick concrete and splashing through the growing puddles on the ground. Not once did Tyler let go of Josh's hand, and not once did Josh let go of Tyler's.

If you had ben walking down the street at the time, huddled under an umbrella as you walked home from work, you might have been in awe for a moment as you watched the two teenagers. Their eyes were bright, their movements excited and happy, their warm laughter filling the otherwise cold and dreary street with just a bit of light. Never again would you see two boys so perfectly, wholly happy together.

They ran all the way to Tyler's house. Luckily, the garage was open, so they were able to quickly duck inside. Tyler was still laughing as Josh pulled him in for a kiss. 

Everything was perfect.

There was nothing but this moment, tucked away in Tyler's cold garage. There was nothing but Josh's warm arms around Tyler, and Tyler's fingers tangling in Josh's curly wet hair, and this kiss that they were sharing.

Tyler knew, without any doubt, that he was falling in love. The passion and intensity of this kiss only proved it to him. He couldn't just call it affection, not anymore; that bright, beautiful feeling in his chest was love, and he never wanted it to end.

He didn't want this kiss to end, either. There was so much love behind Josh's kiss, so much love in the way he held Tyler close to his chest and kissed him with all he had. This small, warm space was Tyler's world.

They were kissing like nobody was watching, except somebody was.

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