// 34. A Sea Of Colors //

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Josh did not speak, but sat on the floor, almost completely still, as Tyler took his paintings out of the box and set them on the floor, one by one. Before long, both boys were almost entirely surrounded by paintings. Two plain people in a sea of colors.

Well, Josh wasn't plain. Tyler knew that.

To describe each painting would be almost impossible. No text or calligraphy could ever perfectly explain the art, describe the swirl of colors or the texture of the paint on each canvas. And anything less would lower the value of the paintings, elude you to their true elements. A detailed description, simply, would be a lie.

Watching Josh's face, Tyler hoped to see something in it; a sign that Josh was his muse. And he didn't see anything, not at first. But after looking at Josh, and then back to the paintings, Tyler was able to catch little glimpses of Josh here and there in the most recent two. Not glimpses of Josh himself, but little things Tyler associated with him. Stars, a carefree feeling, and lots and lots of blue paint.

Perhaps Josh really was his muse, and he was rubbing off on Tyler. His most recent artwork did seem to be a bit better. Just slight improvements, here and there. There was certainly a chance, and Tyler grasped onto that chance.

Josh watched the paintings, and Tyler watched Josh.

"They're beautiful," Josh said finally. And they were. Not perfect, not to Tyler. But good enough to keep, to store in his closet. He didn't know why he kept them, really.

Tyler thought for a moment for an appropriate response then settled on one. "Thank you."

A chirping noise startled both boys, and Josh pulled his phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen a few times, then frowned. "I have to go..."

Disappointment filled Tyler's chest, a blue-orange color, but he nodded. "Okay."

Josh put his phone back into his pocket, then stood. "I'll see you in school tomorrow?"

"I don't currently have any plans to be sick, but I'll have to check my schedule," Tyler said, giving Josh a smile and pushing the blue-orange feeling aside.

Josh laughed and ruffled the still-sitting boy's dark hair. The pink feeling seemed to swallow Tyler's heart, in the most sweet, gentle way possible. "I guess we'll see, then."

Colors // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now