// 21. Slightly Insane //

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TRIGGER WARNING Continued From Last Chapter

Tyler found himself in the boy's bathroom. 

His back was pressed to the bathroom door, and his hands still covered his ears. He kept his eyes tightly shut, trying to block everything out.

The bell hadn't rang yet, but no doubt would soon. Even though it was quiet in the boy's bathroom, he could still hear the voices and footsteps of the students outside.

Tyler could hear thunder rumbling outside, sending a shudder down his spine. Just another loud sound to the mix. It was better than the sounds of other people, though. How could they be so loud?

He didn't entirely know why he was feeling like this, though it did happen sometimes. Maybe it was because he was a little sensitive to loud sounds. Maybe because his old school had never had so many students. Maybe because he was slightly insane. At least, he assumed himself to be.

The warning bell rang, harsh against Tyler's ear. The sounds of students clamoring through the halls grew louder, before finally dying down.

Just then, the door to the bathroom opened. Tyler held his breath and stayed perfectly still.

Though the school was mostly quiet now, some sound still tugged softly at Tyler's ears. Slowly, he put his hands down.


It sounded like Josh's voice. He remembered his intention to ignore Josh, that morning. It felt like it had happened years ago. Carefully, he opened the small stall door.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked, head tilted slightly to one side. He had his dark gray backpack over his shoulders, as dark gray as the storm clouds outside, as dark gray as the feeling in Tyler's chest. "I saw you running in here really fast with your hands over your ears."

"Yeah." Tyler swallowed thickly, shook his head slightly, as if he could shake the dark colors off of him.

"You sure?"

Thunder boomed outside, for a final time, and as the bell rang once more, the clouds let loose their rain, which came down steadily on the school roof. Like letting go of feelings.

That, and the presence of Josh, were all that Tyler needed.

"Yes. Thank you."

And so, Tyler let Josh lead him to homeroom.

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