// 19. Ruby's Russet Fur //

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Thankfully, Tyler had a key to the new house in his pocket. His mother had made a big deal about giving it to him since he'd never had a key to the old house. "It's a big responsibility for you to keep it with you, and be able to come and go as you please," she'd announced.

Tyler didn't really care. He was just glad he wasn't locked outside.

The family cat, Ruby, greeted him as he stepped inside the house, winding around his legs. The Josephs had gotten her a few years ago from a shelter, and thankfully she seemed to be adjusting well to the new house. In theory, she was equally shared by everyone, but in reality, Tyler's father and brothers didn't seem to care much about the cat. So, her care was shared between Tyler, his mother, and his sister.

He'd always liked cats. They were elegant, yet wild at the same time. Their eyes were full of secrets, and they had curious personalities Tyler could respect and understand. Ruby herself was often Tyler's painting companion--she'd sit somewhere in his room and sleep while he painted. He enjoyed her silent company.

Tyler scratched behind Ruby's ears, and she followed him upstairs to his room. He tossed his backpack on the floor and flopped down on his bed.

For some reason, he was thinking about Josh's last comment. I like you, Tyler. You're a cool guy. It was a completely casual yet kind compliment, and it made him feel strange. That odd feeling was back, just barely touching his skin.

Before Tyler could figure out what it was, Ruby hopped up onto his bed, and with a jolt, the emotion disappeared.

Tyler petted Ruby's russet fur and closed his eyes.

There was so much that had happened to Tyler that day. It was his first day at his new school, he accidentally sat in someone's seat, and in doing so, he made a possible friend.

But he wasn't supposed to have friends, was he? They'd only get in the way of his life's mission; they'd only screw him over and slow him down. No, he couldn't afford that.

No matter what the strange new feeling in his chest said.

And so, after completing his homework, eating dinner with his family, and several hours of painting, Tyler went to bed determined to avoid Josh and the others at all costs. 

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