Chapter 3 Part 1 - Ally to Enemy

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"Don't worry, Miss! My Wei Su Army won't let you die in a place like this!"

The loud, earnest man before her was careful and reassuring. He could tell that the girl's breathing was slowing and he didn't like what that might entail. Despite having a beauty in his arms he carried out his duties as a soldier perfectly. While returning to town, he'd even refused to mount his horse as the jostling might lead the path to her death. With his strong legs, he was determined to walk for leagues if required.

His spirit didn't come from seeing that she was a beauty, however. In fact, staring straight ahead, he'd successfully pushed it from his mind. The thin, bony child in his arms was simply a person who required assistance. With the might of an army behind him, if he could not offer that assistance, he would have taken up this line of work in vain and his position would mean nothing to him anymore. Though, from time to time, he is scolded for making the safety of the people his top priority. He would accept that punishment any day if it meant helping the people.

The hot pain in Addor was fading. When she could move again she loosened her robes, disregarding the man above her, and checked the wound.

"Don't move! You'll open-... The wound?" The general looked down to find a bare, bloody torso with hardly a scratch on her.

Over her bellybutton there was a pink line of healing skin. It was wide but barely measured three inches in length.

The general paused in his tracks. "Wha-..." He looked at the face of the young girl, which now only had pink cheeks and emotionless eyes. "You can heal yourself?"

"No." Addor's voice was calm as she closed back up her red stained robes. She wriggled free from his grasp. She landed and before she'd even found her footing she was turned around with a small sword to his throat. "Answer honestly."

The General's eyes grew cold. He saw now what was happening. She'd injured herself on purpose. He was known for his straightforward and righteous attitude, everyone knew he could let a girl die on a dirt road like this. But with all this, there was something they didn't know. The General didn't take risks. Anything he picked up he was able to deter. Only a man with great strength would be willing to take such risks as this to help the common people.

The men on horses all around him all pulled out bows and in a flash, five arrows were pointed flush at the young girl. 

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