Chapter 19 Part 1 - Horrifying Blood Stained Road

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Addor followed her new master from the school, than down a few roads. Each turn down another street lead to a lesser populated and smaller road. Addor, excited that she'd found someone like her beloved Laoda, didn't question the change. Trailing behind her was the ignored and uneasy Abel. it was probably the first time he'd been more open to the possibility to danger than Addor.

The man who called himself 'Shifu' lead her down another road that was less of a road than it was a trail through a harvested field and towards a run down home. Even with the walls that surrounded they yard it was easy to tell that it was small even for most average sized houses.

It was worn down so badly Abel shivered. He was sure it would be haunted. The blue panel roof was only half there and what was left was stained and broken. Even Addor wouldn't be able to read how it'd been damaged if she'd been looking. The walls were no longer white. IN one corner it was worn down so much that Abel could see right through it and straight to the house!

"A-Addor..." Abel stuttered. He held himself back from grabbing her clothes. He'd made that mistake one too many times already and right now he would only freak himself out by passing through it. "Addor... This place isn't pretty." He gulped. He really didn't like this place.

He looked around as they continued. As they got closer to the lone house on the road the surroundings became creepier. Abel looked around, looking for something to ease his mind, only to find a dark, round stain on the side of the road. It was large, maybe 40 centimeters wide and seemed to have faded, but it was still recent enough to freak out Abel.

Abel screamed.

Finally, Addor turned to him, "Stop that!'

Abel swept himself behind Addor and peeked around her, "B-bl-bl-bl-"

Addor glared at him impatiently. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, "So what?"

"Th-that's..." Abel gulped. He had to push through. When she finally saw how horrible this place was she would turn back. He would have another chance to get in the prince's class again. Or any other class. "B-blood!"

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