Chapter 29 Part 3 - I'm... Dead?

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"Wait, start from the beginning. Who's Fan Rei?"

Addor looked over at Able. "Previous owner of this body."

Able gulped. He didn't know what she was looking at him for, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. There was something about this conversation that he... didn't want to hear. Or... did he? He wasn't sure, his head was all over the place. He left like he wanted to cover his ears and run away but at the same time- he couldn't make himself do it. It was like a child peeking through their fingers even though they know they shouldn't.

"And... you aren't Fan Rei?" He narrowed his eyes.

"I'm Addor."

"If you are Addor... And Fan Rei is the 'owner of the body'... where is Fan Rei?"

Addor turned her gaze to meet another's. Able was watching carefully. Each of her movements, every breath and every change was seen by him. As she moved he felt like he was seeing everything in slow motion. He watched even as her long lashed blinked, her pupils beneath them moving in his direction.

Able was breathing hard now. By the time Addor's eyes met his he felt like all the air had been sucked from his chest.

"No..." There were too many thoughts running through his head.

It can't be...

He thought of how his chest tightened when he saw Chow Su patting Addor's head. He thought about how he liked anything sparkling or beautiful. Thought about how he knew all the memories of the dead girl even though they aren't supposed to be moved in such a short amount of time... He'd said so himself.

But if he was Fan Rei then...

"I'm... Dead?"

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