Chapter 13 Part 1 - Disappointment

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Addor's mouth slipped slowly into a smile. Her heart was pounding a thousand miles a minute. With any fight she was excited, but a fight against someone with magic would most certainly appeal to her inner warrior-assassin. A slip of a giggle trickled out of her throat and Chow Su burst into action, accepting the advantage of the first move.

He jumped forward, low to the ground, and swung an arm around to her legs. His hand had almost reached her knee to pull it out from under her when she squatted, effectively rendering his actions useless. Her left knee hit him square in the face.

Addor was looking down at him, surprised at his simple action. She felt slight... disappointment.

Chow Su rolled away from her and swung himself up into another stance. Before he could recover his gaze Addor was standing next to him. He couldn't have paused in surprise for more than a millisecond before her leg swept under him. With her ankle, she touched the back of his lower calf and pushed it forward towards the sky.

Addor felt as if this fight wasn't much of a challenge. She hadn't even had to use force yet.

Her simple steps she'd taken to close the distance between Chow Su were quicker than he had been as he took his time to stand and she'd been waiting for him to stand before finally sweeping his leg. But, no matter how boring the fight was, she wasn't about to put herself in a compromising position just to give herself a little challenge. So when Chow Su fell on his back she stepped back out of reach. Her hands were by her side. The excitement she'd shown before the match had died down, but she wasn't about to let a magic user get the drop on her. She kept her ears and eyes open to any minute changes, ready to jump into action at any moment.

Chow Su, on the other hand, was dazed even before his head hit the ground. There was no longer any doubt in his mind that what she'd said earlier was true. The Fan Rei he knew was gone. He didn't bother taking up another defensive position when he stood this time.

The two stood facing one another. Neither was smiling. 

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