Chapter 34 Part 1 - Getting Along

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Ma Guiying's laughter could be heard as Qui Guiguan and Addor stepped out of the upstairs room. "What'd she say?"

"She said..." Huan Huan's voice replied. He paused to leave Ma Guiying in suspense, "That it was her spirit beast who'd done it."

Ma Guiying laughed again, harder this time. Her high-pitched laughing could be heard all around the house. It was a wonder Addor and Qui Guiguan hadn't heard it until now. THe two of them were sitting cross-legged across from one another in the sitting room. The sitting room was on the other side of the kitchen, which they had been in earlier.

After she calmed down again she said, wheezing, "I can't believe she thought you would believe it. What did you say back?"

"I told her it was impossible for an unsummoned spirit beast to have any effect on this realm. And that it certainly couldn't pee in her pants." He paused again to the nodding Ma Guiying, "She didn't believe me. She said it was hers, therefore it didn't matter if it was in a different realm, it would still be able to pee on her."

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head and she laughed again, "What an idiot! And she says she's a third-wall god?"

"Well, the guy with the tooth believed her."

Ma Guiying laughed again, not even noticing that her brother had come downstairs already.

"In the end... The two left together." Huan Huan finished his story, leaving Ma Guiying roling on the floor, holding her stomach.

Huan Huan watched her. There was a smile on his face, as if he was happy just seeing her excited. Though who could blame him? The current her was worlds away from the drearry and depressed scene she'd shown just two hours ago.

"Looks like the two of you are getting along just fine." Qui Guiguan looked between the two, an odd expression on his face.

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