Chapter 33 Part 3 - Poor Quality

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“The only reason we still believe he’s still ‘in existence’ is because spirit is still in use. We can still use out inner power. There are still people dying and moving on, people coming into our world through birth…” She reached a fine hand out before her and looked at the ceiling above her through her fingers. “He may be using everything he has just to keep this world in order. It’s likely that this soul he found, this one from another world, doesn’t have a strong inner power, making her easier to manipulate.”

“You are saying that he is using her to come back.” The man at the table looked up and narrowed his eyes. “ But he has to work through someone of poor quality.” He instinctively sneered as he said this.

The woman’s tinkling laughed sounded again, letting everyone know that he was either correct or she wasn’t going to explain again.

“That all is well and good,” A new voice entered into the conversation. He sat up, his ginger hair and striking features giving him a rebellious and, at the moment, slightly bored look. “But what are we going to do about it?”

The man at the table went back to his game. The woman’s tinkling laugh flew lazily through the air once more. A few of the others, who hadn’t moved or said a word, continued to do the same. The man on the opposite side of the pavilion seemed to have tuned out long ago. The woman who’d entered to give her report, understood what this meant and bowed once again before disappearing.

In the end, the godly people had decided to do… nothing.

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