Ch. 26 Brave the Storm

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I walked into the facility without hesitation. I stepped inside the front door to find Rick waiting for me. My eyes shifted to the person standing behind him, Henry. I wanted run to him but I couldn't.

"Let him go," I order harshly. Rick tossed Henry at my feet.

"He is free to go, if he will leave," Rick muttered as Henry wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you," I whispered before I shoved him out the front door. I faced Rick as he strode toward me. His hand clamped around my wrist with his other hand pulled my gun off my hip. "Why am I really here?"

"I need you to see something," Rick snapped dragging me down into the basement. He opened a door leading me over to a body. Another human, same green eyes but this one looked different. The human seemed to be stuck between Lycan and human. "For a select few the serum works but for others it's fatal." My lips parted slightly. He hadn't perfected his formula.

"What do you expect me to do?" I asked stalling for time.

"Why was he different than the rest?" He questioned. I had a few theories but I couldn't prove any of them.

"Is that why you ran off instead of killing me?" I asked in place of answering his question. His lack of response backed that thought. He didn't let me go he just didn't finish me. "I'm not a scientist. I have no idea why that chemical didn't work." I may not be a scientist but I had a few solid guesses about his poorly planned formula which didn't work.

"Then I guess I have no use for you anymore then," Rick said aiming my own weapon at me.

"You are a Lycan now so act like it," I spat as he started to turn. I spun rushing out of the room. I scrambled up the stairs. I stayed in my human form hoping to hide rather than fight. I sprinted around a corner and into the living room. I opened the window before ducking behind the couch. I held my breath as Rick entered the living room. Rick launched himself out the open window. Any real Lycan would have listened for a heartbeat instead of relying on sight. I crawled back to the basement grabbing my gun off the floor. I paused before walking over to the cabinets. I grabbed a needle and an empty vial before taking some blood. I slipped the vial of blood into my pocket when I heard a bang upstairs followed by the sounds of fighting and screaming. I sprinted up the stairs and outside where my pack struggled to fight the bioengineered Lycans and the few humans left. I shifted Lycan putting myself between most of my pack and the enemy. I had to protect the pack at all costs. Ariana had joined me as Rick jumped at me with his jaw ripping into my shoulder. I whimpered before swiping my claws along his muzzle.

"You are outnumbered," Rick snarled and I knew he was correct.

"Get them out of here," I barked at Ariana before turning my full attention on Rick.

"You honestly didn't anticipate winning this fight did you?" Rick taunted as I raked my nails along his shoulder. He growled as I held Rick back. My pack had begun to flee from the facility and into the woods. I knew I wouldn't be escaping this one, I had to stop Rick from pursuing the pack.

"I don't need them to kill you," I growled as he lunged at me. I ducked before I nipped at his back leg. He yelped before his teeth clamped around my throat. I froze before I did the unthinkable. No other Lycan had tried what I was about to. I shifted human sliding out of his mouth before I turned Lycan again. I stood my ground as Rick ran at me. I winced as he tackled me to the ground. I managed to avoid his teeth as I kicked him off me with my back legs. I breathed heavily as I approached Rick. He jumped to his feet before I knocked him against the wall. He turned human once he slipped into unconsciousness. I looked around to see the other bio Lycans turn human rushing to help him. I took the chance to run from the facility and back to the pack. I killed as many people as I could on my way out. I reached the apartment turning human. The moment I took on my human form my legs gave way sending me crashing into the grass. I winced as blood oozed from my left shoulder. My neck had a few minor scratches but they weren't bleeding.

"Rebecca," Ariana rushed down the steps and to my side. She put pressure of my shoulder as I struggled to sit up. "Don't move."

"The wounds aren't that bad," I said softly. "I just got dizzy for a second." Ariana sighed helping me to my feet. I limped up the stairs and into the apartment.

"Did you kill him?" My mother asked as I shook my head.

"I did however learn the serum isn't working on everyone," I said slipping the vial of blood out. "I got a sample from someone who died."

"That's why he wanted you," Ariana muttered. "He thought you would know why the formula didn't work."

"I have a hypothesis but we won't know until we test the sample," I said sitting on the couch. I put my left leg up as it throbbed with pain. I must have twisted my ankle during the fight without realizing. The chocolate eyes watching me slowed my irregular heart beat. "Henry."

"Hey Cupcake," he said rushing to me. His lips crashed against mine. Electricity crackled across my skin as Henry's arms wrapped around my waist gently. I draped my right uninjured arm around his neck. He pulled away caressing my cheek as we analyzed each other.

"I thought I lost you," I said with tears in my violet gaze.

"I am never leaving you Rebecca."

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