Everything. Chpt. 88

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Everything comes back to you,
Why can't I just skip to chapter 100?? You guys will love what I have in store for that one😉

Zoey is balking her eyes out laying in my arms. We are on her bed and now, my shirt is soaked from her tears. All I can do I hold her tight and sing sweet nothings into her adorable ears.

"Your my everything"
"I love you"
"My love"
"My baby"
"My world"
"Your my one and only"

"I wish I never moved to California." I hear Zoey sob into my shirt.

"I'm so glad you did." I whisper into her ear. "If you were never here, I couldn't do this..." I say. I left her chin with my pointer finger and kiss her.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" She says in to the kiss.

"I ask the lord that same question every night, babe." She just shakes her head and kisses me once more.

"I think I want to go back home for a little bit."

"But this is your home..."

"No, my real home in Minnesota with my mom and Dad. Please?" She asks.

"Babe, you don't need to ask me for permission."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, I'll ask Jonah if he wants to go home too!" She says and leaps out of my arms and jumps off the lofted bed. I sigh and lay back: She wants to go home.

Do I make her feel unsafe? Am I not protecting her the way I need to? What do I need to do differently?

I obviously need to do something different...

Happy Christmas Eve! I will try to post a chapter tomorrow, but we'll see!

I hope you keep reading!
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